How to Meet People during Telework
It’s easy to abandon your social life during telework. Even so, loneliness can harm your mental and physical health. The following article explains how to improve your social skills and meet people during remote work.
Remote work is a form of employment in which the employer and the employee (or the customer and the contractor) are at a considerable distance from each other, transmitting and receiving the terms of reference and submitting the completed work online.
But is this job for everyone? Since there are a lot of pitfalls in this format of work. The social side of human life suffers a lot - for example, how to meet people?
If you enjoy flexible schedules and being social, remote work can make you feel lonely. It’s even worse when you live alone. Researchers state that social isolation is twice as damaging as obesity. Loneliness also increases your stress level and makes you depressed. But you still can meet people during telework without sacrificing career success. Here’s how to meet new people during telework.
Join Co-working Spaces
Co-working spaces are an opportunity to meet people and experience an environment different from your home office. Besides, it will help you find professional connections, not only friends. You can meet potential clients and get expert advice from other people in your field. Moreover, these spaces disconnect you from your job, so you won't feel tired.
You can meet people at workspaces by participating in the facility’s events. It’s common for workspaces to have barbecues and game nights outside office hours. Unlike work hours, when everyone is glued to their computer screens, parties present a more relaxed environment to meet people.
Another strategy to meet people is reaching out to others when you’re stuck. For example, you can borrow a charger or ask for help with the jammed printer. Ensure you greet your office mate before making the request. You can extend the conversation when returning the charger. But keep the conversation brief. Your office mate might still have work to do.
Meet People Online
The first step to meet people online is joining a digital space. For instance, hookup dating sites are perfect for meeting people for romantic relationships. You can also try to meet people on social media. Start by identifying people with shared interests. For example, you can search for hashtags like “#foodblogger” or “#yummy” if you want to meet people passionate about food.
Feel free to make contact once you meet people you want to know. You could like their photos or comment on their posts. What’s more, ask questions to keep the conversation going. You can send a direct message when you strike a rapport. Be sure to check their profile before reaching out. You don’t want to meet unfriendly people.
Again, refrain from being a spammer. Wait for the other person’s response before sending another message. Your language also matters. Rudeness and profanities scare away potential friends. Another way to meet new friends online is through Facebook groups. You can introduce yourself to the group once the admin approves your joining request. Afterwards, engage in daily conversation, making helpful posts and comments. It’s easier to meet new friends when you gain the group members' trust.
Embrace Physical Activity
Besides losing weight and building muscles, exercise is also an opportunity to have fun meeting with new people. The gym is a perfect place to meet people. Gym friends offer workout ideas and promote healthy competition. However, it can be difficult to meet people at the gym as a newcomer. The first step to meet people at the gym is talking to staff. In addition to providing workout advice, trainers and club managers can introduce you to other gym-goers.
Smiling also makes you approachable. Moreover, you can compliment another member’s form or outfit or congratulate them when they do more reps. You could also meet people at the fitness center by asking for help. For example, you can ask them to show you the correct posture for lifting weights or how to operate gym equipment. But don’t interrupt other members mid-workout. Disruptions are not only annoying but also break the other person’s workout momentum.
Remember to remove the headphones if you want to meet people. Otherwise, other gym-goers will think you don’t want to be interrupted. You can also meet new people online and train with them. All you have to do is search for local fitness groups on social media or start one yourself. Similarly, be on the lookout for fitness conventions and marathons around your area.
Encourage Informal Meetings with Your Team
Unlike conventional workplaces, remote work makes it difficult for colleagues to have conversations beyond business. However, informal interactions relieve stress, promote trust, and boost employee morale. You can still have casual conversations when meeting during telework.
For example, you can create time for non-work agendas at the beginning of virtual meetings. You could ask your team members about their day and how their families are doing before starting your work. You can also wish your employees a happy birthday or congratulate them with their anniversary. Additionally, create a separate group for sharing memes, music, and movie suggestions. Readers in your team will also appreciate a book club with regular online get-togethers.
Another option is organizing virtual events like trivia nights and DIY craft challenges. While at it, organize a surprise performance from a musician, comedian, or magician. Since you cannot meet people for meals, virtual lunches and coffee chats will do. You could ask a colleague or the entire team to eat with you over a video call. You can also encourage gift exchanges. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift. Receiving a card via mail is enough to keep your employees motivated.
Final Thoughts
Although a quiet home atmosphere increases your productivity, it also reduces your chances to meet people in real life. However, your social skills improve with practice. Even introverts can improve their interpersonal abilities by leaving their work desks to meet people outside. You can try to talk to a new person daily. Another tip to meet people is visiting a place frequently. You can make friends with the barista if you visit the same coffee shop every day for one month. You might also meet people who visit the same place regularly.
Do you know how to meet new people? Leave your ideas in the comments.
About the Author:
Robert Faulkner is a family and child psychologist. He has been working with couples of different ages and wants to share his thoughts about relationships with you. Robert’s hobby is traveling inside the UK and abroad. He has visited more than 15 countries, including the USA, Spain, France, the Netherlands, etc. One of Robert's biggest dreams is to take a photo on the top of Everest.