Working from home with kids: a challenge
How to be working from home with kids correctly?
The internet, technology and globalization have allowed millions of people around the world to work from home, with all the advantages that entails. Thanks to this system we are our own bosses, we do not need to move anywhere to work, we manage our own schedules, set our own goals and much more. Logically working from home also carries a great responsibility, since it is only up to us to be successful in what we do.
The key to success is a good organization. If we're working from home with kids organization will demand more effort on our part. By the end of the day, that effort will have been worth it, as we were able to work very well, without neglecting our role as parents.
A good organization
Working from home was becoming increasingly popular long before the pandemic. But it has already become commonplace, now many professionals have to combine work from home and babysitting.
The severity of the problems associated with working from home with children depends largely on how many children you have, how old they are, and whether they need any special care. Some of the most common problems parents face include:
- The need to manage time effectively
- Distractions
- Transition from working mode to parental
Working from home with kids requires a good organization of time, physical space and knowing how to prioritize the tasks that we must do. For starters, we have to set a fixed working schedule and always respect it. The best thing we can do is work while our kids are in school.
As for the space, we have to choose a room inside our house, which will function as our office exclusively. There can be no elements there that are not related to our work. Children can't come into our office to play, they can only come in if they need something urgent.
It can happen that the children come home from school and we still have to-do. In that case, we take care of our children first and then we keep working. Before we continue to work, we're going to ask our children not to interrupt us for a while because we're doing something important. Obviously we must address them in a loving way, they will understand and obey us.
Good communication
Children demand attention all the time and that can cause many interruptions while we're working. The solution to this problem is to maintain clear and honest communication with children. We must explain with great affection that we work from our house, we make money from it and with that money we can live worthily.
That's why we need to work calmly and harmoniously. Children are incredibly smart and will understand why they can't interrupt us while we work. The important thing is that they know that we are working from home to give them a good quality of life, which includes good nutrition, health, clothing, games, toys and entertainment, among other factors.
Our children, our partner and ourselves form a team that stays together to get ahead. Working from home with kids is a challenge, so the support of our partner is essential, that is why we must both agree on the application of limits in the education of our children. It is important that children stay busy while we work.
They must do homework, study, play or entertain in some way. That will positively develop their personality while we take care of our projects. In the future, our children will be grateful for the education they received, based on love and the correct application of limits.