5 Of The Best Collaboration Tools For Remote Teams

With the rise of working at home jobs, collaboration tools are being used for work. Companies are starting to allow their developers or designers to work more freely at home. Not only are companies letting their employees work at their lovely apartment, but according to research, work at home employees are shown to be more productive and engaged in their work a lot more at home.


With the rise of working at home jobs, collaboration tools are being used for work. Companies are starting to allow their developers or designers to work more freely at home. Not only are companies letting their employees work at their lovely apartment, but according to research, work at home employees are shown to be more productive and engaged in their work a lot more at home.

Because of this, collaboration tools are being used more frequently. Want to know the best tools for remote teams? If you are a developer or a designer at home, check out these 5 collaboration tools that will keep you motivated with your work and team!

5 of the best collaboration tools for remote teams:

Here you will find 5 of the best collaboration tools to use while you work at home. We will give a short description of each as well:


One of the widely used collaboration tools, slack is a virtual office. With this virtual office, you get to talk with your teammates and get feedback on your work. You can choose two options for feedback: one-on-one with another employee or in a group. Another great thing with this app is that it gives its users the ability to install other apps that will help report their business activity. This collab tool is perfect if you want one for communication among your workers.


Want a good designing app to use at home? Invision is a perfect choice to start with. Rated 4.5 out of 5 on g2 crowd and capterra, invision helps your team keep in sync with a design and gives you the ability to start discussions about the design. Invision comes with a freeboard, a whiteboard that lets you look at wireframes and presentation designs.

InVision is a cloud-based web and mobile app design prototyping service. With InVision, teams can work together to create a functional prototype of a program or application with interactive elements. This approach helps companies to see the appearance of the future product and make adjustments to its design.

This is definitely one of the best collaboration tools for remote teams. Since designers, developers and other team members can work together in a design platform for collaborative work on product prototypes.


Much like slack, zoom is an amazing collab tool that will let you talk to your team, but rather than using a virtual office, you are using a video camera instead. In the past, video conferencing apps weren't up-to-par because they had glitches, frozen videos, or no sound. Fortunately for designers or developers at home, zoom avoids all these problems. With zoom, you get to have over 65 people join your chat and you have the freedom to talk about your design. Zoom is a good choice if you want to talk on camera rather than typing your feedback in a chatbox.


Github is a fine collab tool if you are looking for one that deals with software. With over 50 million software developers and 2.9 million businesses using github, you and your team can host and review codes, manage projects, and build software. Try github if you want a collab tool that helps you design and to keep track of your projects!


Last on our list is a tool that will help you manage your projects more easily. Trello is the right tool to assist you with your projects and will increase your productivity (especially if you also have invision). Unlike other tools, trello doesn't require a lot of information, so this tool is awesome for fast startups.

There are many other collab tools that you and your team can work with, but here are the five of the best.


Working with a team is essential in any job. It helps get the work done quicker and having communication among other workers is the key to having a successful design. With these collab tools, working with other teammates is more simple and makes you more productive. If you and your team need assistance with designs, check out these tools!

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