The Best Team Remote Working Tools

When it comes to having a remote job, the concept of working from home while still virtually being in the office may seem very intriguing, but it takes real dedication and endurance to achieve. In most cases, even having the simplest computer technicality can offset the whole day's workflow. And not to mention the significant reduction in productivity when working from home.

So today, we will look at some of the essential remote working tools that will amply your remote working experience and keep your productivity high, while getting the job done. These remote working tools will be divided into two groups, communication, and collaboration. So let's get started...

Communication tools

With the rise of social media, there have been hundreds, if not thousands of apps and tools to chat or communicate with people. However, there are a minimal number of remote working tools that focus on professional or workplace communications. Though there is a limited amount of them, they are considerably really optimized and polished.

Microsoft teams by microsoft is, by far, the most advanced, secured, and featureful communication tool within them all. Not only can you communicate with co-workers, but you can also integrate thousands of other extensions, such as office suite applications, analysis tools, collaboration tools, version or task control, and management integrations, and much more.

Microsoft teams is the all-in-one package for remote workers; you'll have most of the things you need from just this one application.

Alternatives to teams, there are also skype and zoom. Even though zoom recently had a massive security leak, it is also hugely used by many people.

Skype is also good software for connecting with the world. With Skype, companies can make individual and group voice and video calls, as well as send instant messages and files to other users of the application.

It is an excellent tool for corporate communication. This app will also help you stay in touch with the people who are important to you.
Skype | communication tool for free calls and chat
Zoom: video conferencing, web conferencing, webinars

Collaboration tools

For collaboration, microsoft teams is a great option, but it's not the only one here.. in fact, there are some better options for collaboration tools.

Google suite and microsoft office suite both have collaboration features integrated with them. You can open a document and invite someone to edit the same document alongside with you simultaneously. You can even see their work and changes live from your screen.

Both google and microsoft office suites are great options. Still, for the sake of preference, google suite is the better one right now, because, although it has less document editing features, google suite has a free version with which you can collaborate with others, while the microsoft office suite doesn't have any free versions, and only come in premium package plans.

Team viewer is also another tool that you can use to not only collaborate in documents but also control your co-worker's mouse and keyboard. For designers, figma is an alternative to adobe illustrator, which allows you to collaborate with someone to work on designs.


So these were some of the leading remote working tools that you'll be needing to have a great and productive remote workflow, even when you are at home all day. Some of these tools might be known to you, but if there is any new tool you learned about, then hopefully, you'll learn to use it and be set to have your quarantine, remote work-life.

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