Complete icon list of Font Awesome icons
Complete icon list of Font Awesome displayed with icons, CSS names and codes.
Font Awesome is a complete library of scalable icons to use for your website. See below the list of icons available for free. A more complete package with even more icons can be bought on their website.
Font Awesome: official website
FontAwesome free download of the GPL icons set on GitHUB
In the latest release of the Font Awesome package, the fonts are now separated in 4 packages: Solid icons are free, Regular icons are paying, Light icons are paid, and Brands are free. Make sure to use the right prefix, either fas for solid free icons, or fab for brands free icons - see below their detailed CSS names.
The list of Font Awesome icons keeps growing, and it is a good idea to check regularly on their websites what is the latest package available - and eventually to get a licensed package to access the whole collection, as the below list of Font Awesome icons only includes the ones that are free to use, from both the fas-fa icon standard package and the fab-fa icon brands package.
Our tip to quickly find an icon in the big list of Font Awesome icons is to use the search function of your browser, and to look for words similar to the icon you would like to find. There are most likely icons available for your needs, but that are called (in English only) with a different word than the one you would think about first. The Font Awesome 5 free icons list is huge and will most likely fit most of your design needs!
Quick access to the list of Font Awesome icons:
FontAwesome fas-fa icons list, standard icons
FontAwesome fab-fa icons list, brands icons
FontAwesome cheatsheet: icons list with CSS code, titles, search terms
Icon : | Prefix-CSS name | Search terms | CSS code
- : 500px | fab fa-500px | | \f26e
- : Accessible Icon | fab fa-accessible-icon | accessibility, handicap, person, wheelchair, wheelchair-alt, | \f368
- : Accusoft | fab fa-accusoft | | \f369
- : Acquisitions Incorporated | fab fa-acquisitions-incorporated | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, game, gaming, tabletop, | \f6af
- : Ad | fas fa-ad | advertisement, media, newspaper, promotion, publicity, | \f641
- : Address Book | fas fa-address-book | contact, directory, index, little black book, rolodex, | \f2b9
- : Address Card | fas fa-address-card | about, contact, id, identification, postcard, profile, | \f2bb
- : adjust | fas fa-adjust | contrast, dark, light, saturation, | \f042
- : | fab fa-adn | | \f170
- : Adversal | fab fa-adversal | | \f36a
- : affiliatetheme | fab fa-affiliatetheme | | \f36b
- : Air Freshener | fas fa-air-freshener | car, deodorize, fresh, pine, scent, | \f5d0
- : Airbnb | fab fa-airbnb | | \f834
- : Algolia | fab fa-algolia | | \f36c
- : align-center | fas fa-align-center | format, middle, paragraph, text, | \f037
- : align-justify | fas fa-align-justify | format, paragraph, text, | \f039
- : align-left | fas fa-align-left | format, paragraph, text, | \f036
- : align-right | fas fa-align-right | format, paragraph, text, | \f038
- : Alipay | fab fa-alipay | | \f642
- : Allergies | fas fa-allergies | allergy, freckles, hand, hives, pox, skin, spots, | \f461
- : Amazon | fab fa-amazon | | \f270
- : Amazon Pay | fab fa-amazon-pay | | \f42c
- : ambulance | fas fa-ambulance | covid-19, emergency, emt, er, help, hospital, support, vehicle, | \f0f9
- : American Sign Language Interpreting | fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting | asl, deaf, finger, hand, interpret, speak, | \f2a3
- : Amilia | fab fa-amilia | | \f36d
- : Anchor | fas fa-anchor | berth, boat, dock, embed, link, maritime, moor, secure, | \f13d
- : Android | fab fa-android | robot, | \f17b
- : AngelList | fab fa-angellist | | \f209
- : Angle Double Down | fas fa-angle-double-down | arrows, caret, download, expand, | \f103
- : Angle Double Left | fas fa-angle-double-left | arrows, back, caret, laquo, previous, quote, | \f100
- : Angle Double Right | fas fa-angle-double-right | arrows, caret, forward, more, next, quote, raquo, | \f101
- : Angle Double Up | fas fa-angle-double-up | arrows, caret, collapse, upload, | \f102
- : angle-down | fas fa-angle-down | arrow, caret, download, expand, | \f107
- : angle-left | fas fa-angle-left | arrow, back, caret, less, previous, | \f104
- : angle-right | fas fa-angle-right | arrow, care, forward, more, next, | \f105
- : angle-up | fas fa-angle-up | arrow, caret, collapse, upload, | \f106
- : Angry Face | fas fa-angry | disapprove, emoticon, face, mad, upset, | \f556
- : Angry Creative | fab fa-angrycreative | | \f36e
- : Angular | fab fa-angular | | \f420
- : Ankh | fas fa-ankh | amulet, copper, coptic christianity, copts, crux ansata, egypt, venus, | \f644
- : App Store | fab fa-app-store | | \f36f
- : iOS App Store | fab fa-app-store-ios | | \f370
- : Apper Systems AB | fab fa-apper | | \f371
- : Apple | fab fa-apple | fruit, ios, mac, operating system, os, osx, | \f179
- : Fruit Apple | fas fa-apple-alt | fall, fruit, fuji, macintosh, orchard, seasonal, vegan, | \f5d1
- : Apple Pay | fab fa-apple-pay | | \f415
- : Archive | fas fa-archive | box, package, save, storage, | \f187
- : Archway | fas fa-archway | arc, monument, road, street, tunnel, | \f557
- : Alternate Arrow Circle Down | fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down | arrow-circle-o-down, download, | \f358
- : Alternate Arrow Circle Left | fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left | arrow-circle-o-left, back, previous, | \f359
- : Alternate Arrow Circle Right | fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right | arrow-circle-o-right, forward, next, | \f35a
- : Alternate Arrow Circle Up | fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up | arrow-circle-o-up, | \f35b
- : Arrow Circle Down | fas fa-arrow-circle-down | download, | \f0ab
- : Arrow Circle Left | fas fa-arrow-circle-left | back, previous, | \f0a8
- : Arrow Circle Right | fas fa-arrow-circle-right | forward, next, | \f0a9
- : Arrow Circle Up | fas fa-arrow-circle-up | upload, | \f0aa
- : arrow-down | fas fa-arrow-down | download, | \f063
- : arrow-left | fas fa-arrow-left | back, previous, | \f060
- : arrow-right | fas fa-arrow-right | forward, next, | \f061
- : arrow-up | fas fa-arrow-up | forward, upload, | \f062
- : Alternate Arrows | fas fa-arrows-alt | arrow, arrows, bigger, enlarge, expand, fullscreen, move, position, reorder, resize, font awesome drag handle | \f0b2
- : Alternate Arrows Horizontal | fas fa-arrows-alt-h | arrows-h, expand, horizontal, landscape, resize, wide, | \f337
- : Alternate Arrows Vertical | fas fa-arrows-alt-v | arrows-v, expand, portrait, resize, tall, vertical, | \f338
- : Artstation | fab fa-artstation | | \f77a
- : Assistive Listening Systems | fas fa-assistive-listening-systems | amplify, audio, deaf, ear, headset, hearing, sound, | \f2a2
- : asterisk | fas fa-asterisk | annotation, details, reference, star, | \f069
- : Asymmetrik, Ltd. | fab fa-asymmetrik | | \f372
- : At | fas fa-at | address, author, e-mail, email, handle, | \f1fa
- : Atlas | fas fa-atlas | book, directions, geography, globe, map, travel, wayfinding, | \f558
- : Atlassian | fab fa-atlassian | | \f77b
- : Atom | fas fa-atom | atheism, chemistry, electron, ion, isotope, neutron, nuclear, proton, science, | \f5d2
- : Audible | fab fa-audible | | \f373
- : Audio Description | fas fa-audio-description | blind, narration, video, visual, | \f29e
- : Autoprefixer | fab fa-autoprefixer | | \f41c
- : avianex | fab fa-avianex | | \f374
- : Aviato | fab fa-aviato | | \f421
- : Award | fas fa-award | honor, praise, prize, recognition, ribbon, trophy, | \f559
- : Amazon Web Services (AWS) | fab fa-aws | | \f375
- : Baby | fas fa-baby | child, diaper, doll, human, infant, kid, offspring, person, sprout, | \f77c
- : Baby Carriage | fas fa-baby-carriage | buggy, carrier, infant, push, stroller, transportation, walk, wheels, | \f77d
- : Backspace | fas fa-backspace | command, delete, erase, keyboard, undo, | \f55a
- : backward | fas fa-backward | previous, rewind, | \f04a
- : Bacon | fas fa-bacon | blt, breakfast, ham, lard, meat, pancetta, pork, rasher, | \f7e5
- : Bahá'í | fas fa-bahai | bahai, bahá'í, star, | \f666
- : Balance Scale | fas fa-balance-scale | balanced, justice, legal, measure, weight, | \f24e
- : Balance Scale (Left-Weighted) | fas fa-balance-scale-left | justice, legal, measure, unbalanced, weight, | \f515
- : Balance Scale (Right-Weighted) | fas fa-balance-scale-right | justice, legal, measure, unbalanced, weight, | \f516
- : ban | fas fa-ban | abort, ban, block, cancel, delete, hide, prohibit, remove, stop, trash, | \f05e
- : Band-Aid | fas fa-band-aid | bandage, boo boo, first aid, ouch, | \f462
- : Bandcamp | fab fa-bandcamp | | \f2d5
- : barcode | fas fa-barcode | info, laser, price, scan, upc, | \f02a
- : Bars | fas fa-bars | checklist, drag, hamburger, list, menu, nav, navigation, ol, reorder, settings, todo, ul, burger menu font awesome | \f0c9
- : Baseball Ball | fas fa-baseball-ball | foul, hardball, league, leather, mlb, softball, sport, | \f433
- : Basketball Ball | fas fa-basketball-ball | dribble, dunk, hoop, nba, | \f434
- : Bath | fas fa-bath | clean, shower, tub, wash, | \f2cd
- : Battery Empty | fas fa-battery-empty | charge, dead, power, status, | \f244
- : Battery Full | fas fa-battery-full | charge, power, status, | \f240
- : Battery 1/2 Full | fas fa-battery-half | charge, power, status, | \f242
- : Battery 1/4 Full | fas fa-battery-quarter | charge, low, power, status, | \f243
- : Battery 3/4 Full | fas fa-battery-three-quarters | charge, power, status, | \f241
- : | fab fa-battle-net | | \f835
- : Bed | fas fa-bed | lodging, mattress, rest, sleep, travel, | \f236
- : beer | fas fa-beer | alcohol, ale, bar, beverage, brewery, drink, lager, liquor, mug, stein, | \f0fc
- : Behance | fab fa-behance | | \f1b4
- : Behance Square | fab fa-behance-square | | \f1b5
- : bell | fas fa-bell | alarm, alert, chime, notification, reminder, | \f0f3
- : Bell Slash | fas fa-bell-slash | alert, cancel, disabled, notification, off, reminder, | \f1f6
- : Bezier Curve | fas fa-bezier-curve | curves, illustrator, lines, path, vector, | \f55b
- : Bible | fas fa-bible | book, catholicism, christianity, god, holy, | \f647
- : Bicycle | fas fa-bicycle | bike, gears, pedal, transportation, vehicle, | \f206
- : Biking | fas fa-biking | bicycle, bike, cycle, cycling, ride, wheel, | \f84a
- : BIMobject | fab fa-bimobject | | \f378
- : Binoculars | fas fa-binoculars | glasses, magnify, scenic, spyglass, view, | \f1e5
- : Biohazard | fas fa-biohazard | covid-19, danger, dangerous, hazmat, medical, radioactive, toxic, waste, zombie, | \f780
- : Birthday Cake | fas fa-birthday-cake | anniversary, bakery, candles, celebration, dessert, frosting, holiday, party, pastry, | \f1fd
- : Bitbucket | fab fa-bitbucket | atlassian, bitbucket-square, git, | \f171
- : Bitcoin | fab fa-bitcoin | | \f379
- : Bity | fab fa-bity | | \f37a
- : Font Awesome Black Tie | fab fa-black-tie | | \f27e
- : BlackBerry | fab fa-blackberry | | \f37b
- : Blender | fas fa-blender | cocktail, milkshake, mixer, puree, smoothie, | \f517
- : Blender Phone | fas fa-blender-phone | appliance, cocktail, communication, fantasy, milkshake, mixer, puree, silly, smoothie, | \f6b6
- : Blind | fas fa-blind | cane, disability, person, sight, | \f29d
- : Blog | fas fa-blog | journal, log, online, personal, post, web 2.0, wordpress, writing, | \f781
- : Blogger | fab fa-blogger | | \f37c
- : Blogger B | fab fa-blogger-b | | \f37d
- : Bluetooth | fab fa-bluetooth | | \f293
- : Bluetooth | fab fa-bluetooth-b | | \f294
- : bold | fas fa-bold | emphasis, format, text, | \f032
- : Lightning Bolt | fas fa-bolt | electricity, lightning, weather, zap, | \f0e7
- : Bomb | fas fa-bomb | error, explode, fuse, grenade, warning, | \f1e2
- : Bone | fas fa-bone | calcium, dog, skeletal, skeleton, tibia, | \f5d7
- : Bong | fas fa-bong | aparatus, cannabis, marijuana, pipe, smoke, smoking, | \f55c
- : book | fas fa-book | diary, documentation, journal, library, read, | \f02d
- : Book of the Dead | fas fa-book-dead | Dungeons & Dragons, crossbones, d&d, dark arts, death, dnd, documentation, evil, fantasy, halloween, holiday, necronomicon, read, skull, spell, | \f6b7
- : Medical Book | fas fa-book-medical | diary, documentation, health, history, journal, library, read, record, | \f7e6
- : Book Open | fas fa-book-open | flyer, library, notebook, open book, pamphlet, reading, | \f518
- : Book Reader | fas fa-book-reader | flyer, library, notebook, open book, pamphlet, reading, | \f5da
- : bookmark | fas fa-bookmark | favorite, marker, read, remember, save, | \f02e
- : Bootstrap | fab fa-bootstrap | | \f836
- : Border All | fas fa-border-all | cell, grid, outline, stroke, table, | \f84c
- : Border None | fas fa-border-none | cell, grid, outline, stroke, table, | \f850
- : Border Style | fas fa-border-style | | \f853
- : Bowling Ball | fas fa-bowling-ball | alley, candlepin, gutter, lane, strike, tenpin, | \f436
- : Box | fas fa-box | archive, container, package, storage, | \f466
- : Box Open | fas fa-box-open | archive, container, package, storage, unpack, product | \f49e
- : Tissue Box | fas fa-box-tissue | cough, covid-19, kleenex, mucus, nose, sneeze, snot, | \f95b
- : Boxes | fas fa-boxes | archives, inventory, storage, warehouse, | \f468
- : Braille | fas fa-braille | alphabet, blind, dots, raised, vision, | \f2a1
- : Brain | fas fa-brain | cerebellum, gray matter, intellect, medulla oblongata, mind, noodle, wit, | \f5dc
- : Bread Slice | fas fa-bread-slice | bake, bakery, baking, dough, flour, gluten, grain, sandwich, sourdough, toast, wheat, yeast, | \f7ec
- : Briefcase | fas fa-briefcase | bag, business, luggage, office, work, | \f0b1
- : Medical Briefcase | fas fa-briefcase-medical | doctor, emt, first aid, health, | \f469
- : Broadcast Tower | fas fa-broadcast-tower | airwaves, antenna, radio, reception, waves, | \f519
- : Broom | fas fa-broom | clean, firebolt, fly, halloween, nimbus 2000, quidditch, sweep, witch, | \f51a
- : Brush | fas fa-brush | art, bristles, color, handle, paint, | \f55d
- : BTC | fab fa-btc | | \f15a
- : Buffer | fab fa-buffer | | \f837
- : Bug | fas fa-bug | beetle, error, insect, report, | \f188
- : Building | fas fa-building | apartment, business, city, company, office, work, | \f1ad
- : bullhorn | fas fa-bullhorn | announcement, broadcast, louder, megaphone, share, | \f0a1
- : Bullseye | fas fa-bullseye | archery, goal, objective, target, | \f140
- : Burn | fas fa-burn | caliente, energy, fire, flame, gas, heat, hot, | \f46a
- : Büromöbel-Experte GmbH & Co. KG. | fab fa-buromobelexperte | | \f37f
- : Bus | fas fa-bus | public transportation, transportation, travel, vehicle, | \f207
- : Bus Alt | fas fa-bus-alt | mta, public transportation, transportation, travel, vehicle, | \f55e
- : Business Time | fas fa-business-time | alarm, briefcase, business socks, clock, flight of the conchords, reminder, wednesday, | \f64a
- : Buy n Large | fab fa-buy-n-large | | \f8a6
- : BuySellAds | fab fa-buysellads | | \f20d
- : Calculator | fas fa-calculator | abacus, addition, arithmetic, counting, math, multiplication, subtraction, | \f1ec
- : Calendar | fas fa-calendar | calendar-o, date, event, schedule, time, when, | \f133
- : Alternate Calendar | fas fa-calendar-alt | calendar, date, event, schedule, time, when, | \f073
- : Calendar Check | fas fa-calendar-check | accept, agree, appointment, confirm, correct, date, done, event, ok, schedule, select, success, tick, time, todo, when, complete | \f274
- : Calendar with Day Focus | fas fa-calendar-day | date, detail, event, focus, schedule, single day, time, today, when, | \f783
- : Calendar Minus | fas fa-calendar-minus | calendar, date, delete, event, negative, remove, schedule, time, when, | \f272
- : Calendar Plus | fas fa-calendar-plus | add, calendar, create, date, event, new, positive, schedule, time, when, | \f271
- : Calendar Times | fas fa-calendar-times | archive, calendar, date, delete, event, remove, schedule, time, when, x, multiply | \f273
- : Calendar with Week Focus | fas fa-calendar-week | date, detail, event, focus, schedule, single week, time, today, when, | \f784
- : camera | fas fa-camera | image, lens, photo, picture, record, shutter, video, | \f030
- : Retro Camera | fas fa-camera-retro | image, lens, photo, picture, record, shutter, video, | \f083
- : Campground | fas fa-campground | camping, fall, outdoors, teepee, tent, tipi, | \f6bb
- : Canadian Maple Leaf | fab fa-canadian-maple-leaf | canada, flag, flora, nature, plant, | \f785
- : Candy Cane | fas fa-candy-cane | candy, christmas, holiday, mint, peppermint, striped, xmas, | \f786
- : Cannabis | fas fa-cannabis | bud, chronic, drugs, endica, endo, ganja, marijuana, mary jane, pot, reefer, sativa, spliff, weed, whacky-tabacky, | \f55f
- : Capsules | fas fa-capsules | drugs, medicine, pills, prescription, | \f46b
- : Car | fas fa-car | auto, automobile, sedan, transportation, travel, vehicle, | \f1b9
- : Alternate Car | fas fa-car-alt | auto, automobile, sedan, transportation, travel, vehicle, | \f5de
- : Car Battery | fas fa-car-battery | auto, electric, mechanic, power, | \f5df
- : Car Crash | fas fa-car-crash | accident, auto, automobile, insurance, sedan, transportation, vehicle, wreck, | \f5e1
- : Car Side | fas fa-car-side | auto, automobile, sedan, transportation, travel, vehicle, | \f5e4
- : Caravan | fas fa-caravan | camper, motor home, rv, trailer, travel, | \f8ff
- : Caret Down | fas fa-caret-down | arrow, dropdown, expand, menu, more, triangle, | \f0d7
- : Caret Left | fas fa-caret-left | arrow, back, previous, triangle, | \f0d9
- : Caret Right | fas fa-caret-right | arrow, forward, next, triangle, | \f0da
- : Caret Square Down | fas fa-caret-square-down | arrow, caret-square-o-down, dropdown, expand, menu, more, triangle, | \f150
- : Caret Square Left | fas fa-caret-square-left | arrow, back, caret-square-o-left, previous, triangle, | \f191
- : Caret Square Right | fas fa-caret-square-right | arrow, caret-square-o-right, forward, next, triangle, | \f152
- : Caret Square Up | fas fa-caret-square-up | arrow, caret-square-o-up, collapse, triangle, upload, | \f151
- : Caret Up | fas fa-caret-up | arrow, collapse, triangle, | \f0d8
- : Carrot | fas fa-carrot | bugs bunny, orange, vegan, vegetable, | \f787
- : Shopping Cart Arrow Down | fas fa-cart-arrow-down | download, save, shopping, | \f218
- : Add to Shopping Cart | fas fa-cart-plus | add, create, new, positive, shopping, | \f217
- : Cash Register | fas fa-cash-register | buy, cha-ching, change, checkout, commerce, leaerboard, machine, pay, payment, purchase, store, | \f788
- : Cat | fas fa-cat | feline, halloween, holiday, kitten, kitty, meow, pet, | \f6be
- : Amazon Pay Credit Card | fab fa-cc-amazon-pay | | \f42d
- : American Express Credit Card | fab fa-cc-amex | amex, | \f1f3
- : Apple Pay Credit Card | fab fa-cc-apple-pay | | \f416
- : Diner's Club Credit Card | fab fa-cc-diners-club | | \f24c
- : Discover Credit Card | fab fa-cc-discover | | \f1f2
- : JCB Credit Card | fab fa-cc-jcb | | \f24b
- : MasterCard Credit Card | fab fa-cc-mastercard | | \f1f1
- : Paypal Credit Card | fab fa-cc-paypal | | \f1f4
- : Stripe Credit Card | fab fa-cc-stripe | | \f1f5
- : Visa Credit Card | fab fa-cc-visa | | \f1f0
- : Centercode | fab fa-centercode | | \f380
- : Centos | fab fa-centos | linux, operating system, os, | \f789
- : certificate | fas fa-certificate | badge, star, verified, | \f0a3
- : Chair | fas fa-chair | furniture, seat, sit, | \f6c0
- : Chalkboard | fas fa-chalkboard | blackboard, learning, school, teaching, whiteboard, writing, | \f51b
- : Chalkboard Teacher | fas fa-chalkboard-teacher | blackboard, instructor, learning, professor, school, whiteboard, writing, | \f51c
- : Charging Station | fas fa-charging-station | electric, ev, tesla, vehicle, | \f5e7
- : Area Chart | fas fa-chart-area | analytics, area, chart, graph, | \f1fe
- : Bar Chart | fas fa-chart-bar | analytics, bar, chart, graph, | \f080
- : Line Chart | fas fa-chart-line | activity, analytics, chart, dashboard, gain, graph, increase, line, | \f201
- : Pie Chart | fas fa-chart-pie | analytics, chart, diagram, graph, pie, | \f200
- : Check | fas fa-check | accept, agree, checkmark, confirm, correct, done, notice, notification, notify, ok, select, success, tick, todo, yes, | \f00c
- : Check Circle | fas fa-check-circle | accept, agree, confirm, correct, done, ok, select, success, tick, todo, yes, | \f058
- : Double Check | fas fa-check-double | accept, agree, checkmark, confirm, correct, done, notice, notification, notify, ok, select, success, tick, todo, | \f560
- : Check Square | fas fa-check-square | accept, agree, checkmark, confirm, correct, done, ok, select, success, tick, todo, yes, | \f14a
- : Cheese | fas fa-cheese | cheddar, curd, gouda, melt, parmesan, sandwich, swiss, wedge, | \f7ef
- : Chess | fas fa-chess | board, castle, checkmate, game, king, rook, strategy, tournament, | \f439
- : Chess Bishop | fas fa-chess-bishop | board, checkmate, game, strategy, | \f43a
- : Chess Board | fas fa-chess-board | board, checkmate, game, strategy, | \f43c
- : Chess King | fas fa-chess-king | board, checkmate, game, strategy, | \f43f
- : Chess Knight | fas fa-chess-knight | board, checkmate, game, horse, strategy, | \f441
- : Chess Pawn | fas fa-chess-pawn | board, checkmate, game, strategy, | \f443
- : Chess Queen | fas fa-chess-queen | board, checkmate, game, strategy, | \f445
- : Chess Rook | fas fa-chess-rook | board, castle, checkmate, game, strategy, | \f447
- : Chevron Circle Down | fas fa-chevron-circle-down | arrow, download, dropdown, menu, more, | \f13a
- : Chevron Circle Left | fas fa-chevron-circle-left | arrow, back, previous, | \f137
- : Chevron Circle Right | fas fa-chevron-circle-right | arrow, forward, next, | \f138
- : Chevron Circle Up | fas fa-chevron-circle-up | arrow, collapse, upload, | \f139
- : chevron-down | fas fa-chevron-down | arrow, download, expand, | \f078
- : chevron-left | fas fa-chevron-left | arrow, back, bracket, previous, | \f053
- : chevron-right | fas fa-chevron-right | arrow, bracket, forward, next, | \f054
- : chevron-up | fas fa-chevron-up | arrow, collapse, upload, | \f077
- : Child | fas fa-child | boy, girl, kid, toddler, young, | \f1ae
- : Chrome | fab fa-chrome | browser, | \f268
- : Chromecast | fab fa-chromecast | | \f838
- : Church | fas fa-church | building, cathedral, chapel, community, religion, | \f51d
- : Circle | fas fa-circle | circle-thin, diameter, dot, ellipse, notification, round, | \f111
- : Circle Notched | fas fa-circle-notch | circle-o-notch, diameter, dot, ellipse, round, spinner, | \f1ce
- : City | fas fa-city | buildings, busy, skyscrapers, urban, windows, | \f64f
- : Medical Clinic | fas fa-clinic-medical | covid-19, doctor, general practitioner, hospital, infirmary, medicine, office, outpatient, | \f7f2
- : Clipboard | fas fa-clipboard | copy, notes, paste, record, | \f328
- : Clipboard with Check | fas fa-clipboard-check | accept, agree, confirm, done, ok, select, success, tick, todo, yes, grade | \f46c
- : Clipboard List | fas fa-clipboard-list | checklist, completed, done, finished, intinerary, ol, schedule, tick, todo, ul, grade | \f46d
- : Clock | fas fa-clock | date, late, schedule, time, timer, timestamp, watch, | \f017
- : Clone | fas fa-clone | arrange, copy, duplicate, paste, | \f24d
- : Closed Captioning | fas fa-closed-captioning | cc, deaf, hearing, subtitle, subtitling, text, video, | \f20a
- : Cloud | fas fa-cloud | atmosphere, fog, overcast, save, upload, weather, cloud icon font awesome | \f0c2
- : Alternate Cloud Download | fas fa-cloud-download-alt | download, export, save, | \f381
- : Cloud with (a chance of) Meatball | fas fa-cloud-meatball | FLDSMDFR, food, spaghetti, storm, | \f73b
- : Cloud with Moon | fas fa-cloud-moon | crescent, evening, lunar, night, partly cloudy, sky, | \f6c3
- : Cloud with Moon and Rain | fas fa-cloud-moon-rain | crescent, evening, lunar, night, partly cloudy, precipitation, rain, sky, storm, | \f73c
- : Cloud with Rain | fas fa-cloud-rain | precipitation, rain, sky, storm, | \f73d
- : Cloud with Heavy Showers | fas fa-cloud-showers-heavy | precipitation, rain, sky, storm, | \f740
- : Cloud with Sun | fas fa-cloud-sun | clear, day, daytime, fall, outdoors, overcast, partly cloudy, | \f6c4
- : Cloud with Sun and Rain | fas fa-cloud-sun-rain | day, overcast, precipitation, storm, summer, sunshower, | \f743
- : Alternate Cloud Upload | fas fa-cloud-upload-alt | cloud-upload, import, save, upload, | \f382
- : | fab fa-cloudscale | | \f383
- : Cloudsmith | fab fa-cloudsmith | | \f384
- : cloudversify | fab fa-cloudversify | | \f385
- : Cocktail | fas fa-cocktail | alcohol, beverage, drink, gin, glass, margarita, martini, vodka, | \f561
- : Code | fas fa-code | brackets, code, development, html, web development icon | \f121
- : Code Branch | fas fa-code-branch | branch, code-fork, fork, git, github, rebase, svn, vcs, version, | \f126
- : Codepen | fab fa-codepen | | \f1cb
- : Codie Pie | fab fa-codiepie | | \f284
- : Coffee | fas fa-coffee | beverage, breakfast, cafe, drink, fall, morning, mug, seasonal, tea, | \f0f4
- : cog | fas fa-cog | gear, mechanical, settings, sprocket, wheel, | \f013
- : cogs | fas fa-cogs | gears, mechanical, settings, sprocket, wheel, | \f085
- : Coins | fas fa-coins | currency, dime, financial, gold, money, penny, | \f51e
- : Columns | fas fa-columns | browser, dashboard, organize, panes, split, | \f0db
- : comment | fas fa-comment | bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, note, notification, sms, speech, texting, | \f075
- : Alternate Comment | fas fa-comment-alt | bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, note, notification, sms, speech, texting, | \f27a
- : Comment Dollar | fas fa-comment-dollar | bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, money, note, notification, pay, sms, speech, spend, texting, transfer, | \f651
- : Comment Dots | fas fa-comment-dots | bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, more, note, notification, reply, sms, speech, texting, three dots icon | \f4ad
- : Alternate Medical Chat | fas fa-comment-medical | advice, bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, diagnose, feedback, message, note, notification, prescription, sms, speech, texting, | \f7f5
- : Comment Slash | fas fa-comment-slash | bubble, cancel, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, mute, note, notification, quiet, sms, speech, texting, | \f4b3
- : comments | fas fa-comments | bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, note, notification, sms, speech, texting, font awesome speech bubble | \f086
- : Comments Dollar | fas fa-comments-dollar | bubble, chat, commenting, conversation, feedback, message, money, note, notification, pay, sms, speech, spend, texting, transfer, | \f653
- : Compact Disc | fas fa-compact-disc | album, bluray, cd, disc, dvd, media, movie, music, record, video, vinyl, | \f51f
- : Compass | fas fa-compass | directions, directory, location, menu, navigation, safari, travel, | \f14e
- : Compress | fas fa-compress | collapse, fullscreen, minimize, move, resize, shrink, smaller, | \f066
- : Alternate Compress | fas fa-compress-alt | collapse, fullscreen, minimize, move, resize, shrink, smaller, | \f422
- : Alternate Compress Arrows | fas fa-compress-arrows-alt | collapse, fullscreen, minimize, move, resize, shrink, smaller, | \f78c
- : Concierge Bell | fas fa-concierge-bell | attention, hotel, receptionist, service, support, | \f562
- : Confluence | fab fa-confluence | atlassian, | \f78d
- : Connect Develop | fab fa-connectdevelop | | \f20e
- : Contao | fab fa-contao | | \f26d
- : Cookie | fas fa-cookie | baked good, chips, chocolate, eat, snack, sweet, treat, | \f563
- : Cookie Bite | fas fa-cookie-bite | baked good, bitten, chips, chocolate, eat, snack, sweet, treat, | \f564
- : Copy | fas fa-copy | clone, duplicate, file, files-o, paper, paste, | \f0c5
- : Copyright | fas fa-copyright | brand, mark, register, trademark, | \f1f9
- : Cotton Bureau | fab fa-cotton-bureau | clothing, t-shirts, tshirts, | \f89e
- : Couch | fas fa-couch | chair, cushion, furniture, relax, sofa, | \f4b8
- : cPanel | fab fa-cpanel | | \f388
- : Creative Commons | fab fa-creative-commons | | \f25e
- : Creative Commons Attribution | fab fa-creative-commons-by | | \f4e7
- : Creative Commons Noncommercial | fab fa-creative-commons-nc | | \f4e8
- : Creative Commons Noncommercial (Euro Sign) | fab fa-creative-commons-nc-eu | | \f4e9
- : Creative Commons Noncommercial (Yen Sign) | fab fa-creative-commons-nc-jp | | \f4ea
- : Creative Commons No Derivative Works | fab fa-creative-commons-nd | | \f4eb
- : Creative Commons Public Domain | fab fa-creative-commons-pd | | \f4ec
- : Alternate Creative Commons Public Domain | fab fa-creative-commons-pd-alt | | \f4ed
- : Creative Commons Remix | fab fa-creative-commons-remix | | \f4ee
- : Creative Commons Share Alike | fab fa-creative-commons-sa | | \f4ef
- : Creative Commons Sampling | fab fa-creative-commons-sampling | | \f4f0
- : Creative Commons Sampling + | fab fa-creative-commons-sampling-plus | | \f4f1
- : Creative Commons Share | fab fa-creative-commons-share | | \f4f2
- : Creative Commons CC0 | fab fa-creative-commons-zero | | \f4f3
- : Credit Card | fas fa-credit-card | buy, checkout, credit-card-alt, debit, money, payment, purchase, | \f09d
- : Critical Role | fab fa-critical-role | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, game, gaming, tabletop, | \f6c9
- : crop | fas fa-crop | design, frame, mask, resize, shrink, | \f125
- : Alternate Crop | fas fa-crop-alt | design, frame, mask, resize, shrink, | \f565
- : Cross | fas fa-cross | catholicism, christianity, church, jesus, | \f654
- : Crosshairs | fas fa-crosshairs | aim, bullseye, gpd, picker, position, | \f05b
- : Crow | fas fa-crow | bird, bullfrog, fauna, halloween, holiday, toad, | \f520
- : Crown | fas fa-crown | award, favorite, king, queen, royal, tiara, | \f521
- : Crutch | fas fa-crutch | cane, injury, mobility, wheelchair, | \f7f7
- : CSS 3 Logo | fab fa-css3 | code, | \f13c
- : Alternate CSS3 Logo | fab fa-css3-alt | | \f38b
- : Cube | fas fa-cube | 3d, block, dice, package, square, tesseract, | \f1b2
- : Cubes | fas fa-cubes | 3d, block, dice, package, pyramid, square, stack, tesseract, | \f1b3
- : Cut | fas fa-cut | clip, scissors, snip, | \f0c4
- : Cuttlefish | fab fa-cuttlefish | | \f38c
- : Dungeons & Dragons | fab fa-d-and-d | | \f38d
- : D&D Beyond | fab fa-d-and-d-beyond | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, gaming, tabletop, | \f6ca
- : dailymotion | fab fa-dailymotion | | \f952
- : DashCube | fab fa-dashcube | | \f210
- : Database | fas fa-database | computer, development, directory, memory, storage, web development icon | \f1c0
- : Deaf | fas fa-deaf | ear, hearing, sign language, | \f2a4
- : Delicious | fab fa-delicious | | \f1a5
- : Democrat | fas fa-democrat | american, democratic party, donkey, election, left, left-wing, liberal, politics, usa, | \f747
- : | fab fa-deploydog | | \f38e
- : Deskpro | fab fa-deskpro | | \f38f
- : Desktop | fas fa-desktop | computer, cpu, demo, desktop, device, imac, machine, monitor, pc, screen, | \f108
- : DEV | fab fa-dev | | \f6cc
- : deviantART | fab fa-deviantart | | \f1bd
- : Dharmachakra | fas fa-dharmachakra | buddhism, buddhist, wheel of dharma, | \f655
- : DHL | fab fa-dhl | Dalsey, Hillblom and Lynn, german, package, shipping, | \f790
- : Diagnoses | fas fa-diagnoses | analyze, detect, diagnosis, examine, medicine, | \f470
- : Diaspora | fab fa-diaspora | | \f791
- : Dice | fas fa-dice | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f522
- : Dice D20 | fas fa-dice-d20 | Dungeons & Dragons, chance, d&d, dnd, fantasy, gambling, game, roll, | \f6cf
- : Dice D6 | fas fa-dice-d6 | Dungeons & Dragons, chance, d&d, dnd, fantasy, gambling, game, roll, | \f6d1
- : Dice Five | fas fa-dice-five | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f523
- : Dice Four | fas fa-dice-four | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f524
- : Dice One | fas fa-dice-one | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f525
- : Dice Six | fas fa-dice-six | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f526
- : Dice Three | fas fa-dice-three | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f527
- : Dice Two | fas fa-dice-two | chance, gambling, game, roll, | \f528
- : Digg Logo | fab fa-digg | | \f1a6
- : Digital Ocean | fab fa-digital-ocean | | \f391
- : Digital Tachograph | fas fa-digital-tachograph | data, distance, speed, tachometer, | \f566
- : Directions | fas fa-directions | map, navigation, sign, turn, | \f5eb
- : Discord | fab fa-discord | | \f392
- : Discourse | fab fa-discourse | | \f393
- : Disease | fas fa-disease | bacteria, cancer, covid-19, illness, infection, sickness, virus, | \f7fa
- : Divide | fas fa-divide | arithmetic, calculus, division, math, | \f529
- : Dizzy Face | fas fa-dizzy | dazed, dead, disapprove, emoticon, face, | \f567
- : DNA | fas fa-dna | double helix, genetic, helix, molecule, protein, | \f471
- : DocHub | fab fa-dochub | | \f394
- : Docker | fab fa-docker | | \f395
- : Dog | fas fa-dog | animal, canine, fauna, mammal, pet, pooch, puppy, woof, | \f6d3
- : Dollar Sign | fas fa-dollar-sign | $, cost, dollar-sign, money, price, usd, sell icon | \f155
- : Dolly | fas fa-dolly | carry, shipping, transport, | \f472
- : Dolly Flatbed | fas fa-dolly-flatbed | carry, inventory, shipping, transport, | \f474
- : Donate | fas fa-donate | contribute, generosity, gift, give, | \f4b9
- : Door Closed | fas fa-door-closed | enter, exit, locked, | \f52a
- : Door Open | fas fa-door-open | enter, exit, welcome, | \f52b
- : Dot Circle | fas fa-dot-circle | bullseye, notification, target, | \f192
- : Dove | fas fa-dove | bird, fauna, flying, peace, war, | \f4ba
- : Download | fas fa-download | export, hard drive, save, transfer, | \f019
- : Draft2digital | fab fa-draft2digital | | \f396
- : Drafting Compass | fas fa-drafting-compass | design, map, mechanical drawing, plot, plotting, | \f568
- : Dragon | fas fa-dragon | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, fire, lizard, serpent, | \f6d5
- : Draw Polygon | fas fa-draw-polygon | anchors, lines, object, render, shape, | \f5ee
- : Dribbble | fab fa-dribbble | | \f17d
- : Dribbble Square | fab fa-dribbble-square | | \f397
- : Dropbox | fab fa-dropbox | | \f16b
- : Drum | fas fa-drum | instrument, music, percussion, snare, sound, | \f569
- : Drum Steelpan | fas fa-drum-steelpan | calypso, instrument, music, percussion, reggae, snare, sound, steel, tropical, | \f56a
- : Drumstick with Bite Taken Out | fas fa-drumstick-bite | bone, chicken, leg, meat, poultry, turkey, | \f6d7
- : Drupal Logo | fab fa-drupal | | \f1a9
- : Dumbbell | fas fa-dumbbell | exercise, gym, strength, weight, weight-lifting, | \f44b
- : Dumpster | fas fa-dumpster | alley, bin, commercial, trash, waste, | \f793
- : Dumpster Fire | fas fa-dumpster-fire | alley, bin, commercial, danger, dangerous, euphemism, flame, heat, hot, trash, waste, | \f794
- : Dungeon | fas fa-dungeon | Dungeons & Dragons, building, d&d, dnd, door, entrance, fantasy, gate, | \f6d9
- : Dyalog | fab fa-dyalog | | \f399
- : Earlybirds | fab fa-earlybirds | | \f39a
- : eBay | fab fa-ebay | | \f4f4
- : Edge Browser | fab fa-edge | browser, ie, | \f282
- : Edit | fas fa-edit | edit, pen, pencil, update, write, | \f044
- : Egg | fas fa-egg | breakfast, chicken, easter, shell, yolk, | \f7fb
- : eject | fas fa-eject | abort, cancel, cd, discharge, | \f052
- : Elementor | fab fa-elementor | | \f430
- : Horizontal Ellipsis | fas fa-ellipsis-h | dots, drag, kebab, list, menu, nav, navigation, ol, reorder, settings, ul, three dots icon | \f141
- : Vertical Ellipsis | fas fa-ellipsis-v | dots, drag, kebab, list, menu, nav, navigation, ol, reorder, settings, ul, three dots icon | \f142
- : Ello | fab fa-ello | | \f5f1
- : Ember | fab fa-ember | | \f423
- : Galactic Empire | fab fa-empire | | \f1d1
- : Envelope | fas fa-envelope | e-mail, email, letter, mail, message, notification, support, | \f0e0
- : Envelope Open | fas fa-envelope-open | e-mail, email, letter, mail, message, notification, support, | \f2b6
- : Envelope Open-text | fas fa-envelope-open-text | e-mail, email, letter, mail, message, notification, support, | \f658
- : Envelope Square | fas fa-envelope-square | e-mail, email, letter, mail, message, notification, support, | \f199
- : Envira Gallery | fab fa-envira | leaf, | \f299
- : Equals | fas fa-equals | arithmetic, even, match, math, | \f52c
- : eraser | fas fa-eraser | art, delete, remove, rubber, | \f12d
- : Erlang | fab fa-erlang | | \f39d
- : Ethereum | fab fa-ethereum | | \f42e
- : Ethernet | fas fa-ethernet | cable, cat 5, cat 6, connection, hardware, internet, network, wired, | \f796
- : Etsy | fab fa-etsy | | \f2d7
- : Euro Sign | fas fa-euro-sign | currency, dollar, exchange, money, | \f153
- : Evernote | fab fa-evernote | | \f839
- : Alternate Exchange | fas fa-exchange-alt | arrow, arrows, exchange, reciprocate, return, swap, transfer, | \f362
- : exclamation | fas fa-exclamation | alert, danger, error, important, notice, notification, notify, problem, warning, | \f12a
- : Exclamation Circle | fas fa-exclamation-circle | alert, danger, error, important, notice, notification, notify, problem, warning, | \f06a
- : Exclamation Triangle | fas fa-exclamation-triangle | alert, danger, error, important, notice, notification, notify, problem, warning, | \f071
- : Expand | fas fa-expand | bigger, enlarge, fullscreen, resize, | \f065
- : Alternate Expand | fas fa-expand-alt | arrows, bigger, enlarge, fullscreen, resize, | \f424
- : Alternate Expand Arrows | fas fa-expand-arrows-alt | bigger, enlarge, fullscreen, move, resize, drag and drop icon font awesome | \f31e
- : ExpeditedSSL | fab fa-expeditedssl | | \f23e
- : Alternate External Link | fas fa-external-link-alt | external-link, new, open, share, | \f35d
- : Alternate External Link Square | fas fa-external-link-square-alt | external-link-square, new, open, share, | \f360
- : Eye | fas fa-eye | look, optic, see, seen, show, sight, views, visible, | \f06e
- : Eye Dropper | fas fa-eye-dropper | beaker, clone, color, copy, eyedropper, pipette, | \f1fb
- : Eye Slash | fas fa-eye-slash | blind, hide, show, toggle, unseen, views, visible, visiblity, | \f070
- : Facebook | fab fa-facebook | facebook-official, social network, | \f09a
- : Facebook F | fab fa-facebook-f | facebook, | \f39e
- : Facebook Messenger | fab fa-facebook-messenger | | \f39f
- : Facebook Square | fab fa-facebook-square | social network, | \f082
- : Fan | fas fa-fan | ac, air conditioning, blade, blower, cool, hot, | \f863
- : Fantasy Flight-games | fab fa-fantasy-flight-games | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, game, gaming, tabletop, | \f6dc
- : fast-backward | fas fa-fast-backward | beginning, first, previous, rewind, start, | \f049
- : fast-forward | fas fa-fast-forward | end, last, next, | \f050
- : Faucet | fas fa-faucet | covid-19, drip, house, hygiene, kitchen, sink, water, | \f905
- : Fax | fas fa-fax | business, communicate, copy, facsimile, send, | \f1ac
- : Feather | fas fa-feather | bird, light, plucked, quill, write, | \f52d
- : Alternate Feather | fas fa-feather-alt | bird, light, plucked, quill, write, | \f56b
- : FedEx | fab fa-fedex | Federal Express, package, shipping, | \f797
- : Fedora | fab fa-fedora | linux, operating system, os, | \f798
- : Female | fas fa-female | human, person, profile, user, woman, | \f182
- : fighter-jet | fas fa-fighter-jet | airplane, fast, fly, goose, maverick, plane, quick, top gun, transportation, travel, | \f0fb
- : Figma | fab fa-figma | app, design, interface, | \f799
- : File | fas fa-file | document, new, page, pdf, resume, | \f15b
- : Alternate File | fas fa-file-alt | document, file-text, invoice, new, page, pdf, purchase order | \f15c
- : Archive File | fas fa-file-archive | .zip, bundle, compress, compression, download, zip, | \f1c6
- : Audio File | fas fa-file-audio | document, mp3, music, page, play, sound, | \f1c7
- : Code File | fas fa-file-code | css, development, document, html, | \f1c9
- : File Contract | fas fa-file-contract | agreement, binding, document, legal, signature, contract icon font awesome | \f56c
- : File CSV | fas fa-file-csv | document, excel, numbers, spreadsheets, table, | \f6dd
- : File Download | fas fa-file-download | document, export, save, | \f56d
- : Excel File | fas fa-file-excel | csv, document, numbers, spreadsheets, table, | \f1c3
- : File Export | fas fa-file-export | download, save, | \f56e
- : Image File | fas fa-file-image | document, image, jpg, photo, png, | \f1c5
- : File Import | fas fa-file-import | copy, document, send, upload, | \f56f
- : File Invoice | fas fa-file-invoice | account, bill, charge, document, payment, receipt, purchase order | \f570
- : File Invoice with US Dollar | fas fa-file-invoice-dollar | $, account, bill, charge, document, dollar-sign, money, payment, receipt, usd, sell icon, purchase order icon, sales order icon, invoice icon | \f571
- : Medical File | fas fa-file-medical | document, health, history, prescription, record, | \f477
- : Alternate Medical File | fas fa-file-medical-alt | document, health, history, prescription, record, | \f478
- : PDF File | fas fa-file-pdf | acrobat, document, preview, save, | \f1c1
- : Powerpoint File | fas fa-file-powerpoint | display, document, keynote, presentation, | \f1c4
- : File Prescription | fas fa-file-prescription | document, drugs, medical, medicine, rx, | \f572
- : File Signature | fas fa-file-signature | John Hancock, contract, document, name, | \f573
- : File Upload | fas fa-file-upload | document, import, page, save, | \f574
- : Video File | fas fa-file-video | document, m4v, movie, mp4, play, | \f1c8
- : Word File | fas fa-file-word | document, edit, page, text, writing, | \f1c2
- : Fill | fas fa-fill | bucket, color, paint, paint bucket, | \f575
- : Fill Drip | fas fa-fill-drip | bucket, color, drop, paint, paint bucket, spill, | \f576
- : Film | fas fa-film | cinema, movie, strip, video, | \f008
- : Filter | fas fa-filter | funnel, options, separate, sort, | \f0b0
- : Fingerprint | fas fa-fingerprint | human, id, identification, lock, smudge, touch, unique, unlock, | \f577
- : fire | fas fa-fire | burn, caliente, flame, heat, hot, popular, | \f06d
- : Alternate Fire | fas fa-fire-alt | burn, caliente, flame, heat, hot, popular, | \f7e4
- : fire-extinguisher | fas fa-fire-extinguisher | burn, caliente, fire fighter, flame, heat, hot, rescue, | \f134
- : Firefox | fab fa-firefox | browser, | \f269
- : Firefox Browser | fab fa-firefox-browser | browser, | \f907
- : First Aid | fas fa-first-aid | emergency, emt, health, medical, rescue, | \f479
- : First Order | fab fa-first-order | | \f2b0
- : Alternate First Order | fab fa-first-order-alt | | \f50a
- : firstdraft | fab fa-firstdraft | | \f3a1
- : Fish | fas fa-fish | fauna, gold, seafood, swimming, | \f578
- : Raised Fist | fas fa-fist-raised | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, hand, ki, monk, resist, strength, unarmed combat, | \f6de
- : flag | fas fa-flag | country, notice, notification, notify, pole, report, symbol, | \f024
- : flag-checkered | fas fa-flag-checkered | notice, notification, notify, pole, racing, report, symbol, | \f11e
- : United States of America Flag | fas fa-flag-usa | betsy ross, country, old glory, stars, stripes, symbol, | \f74d
- : Flask | fas fa-flask | beaker, experimental, labs, science, | \f0c3
- : Flickr | fab fa-flickr | | \f16e
- : Flipboard | fab fa-flipboard | | \f44d
- : Flushed Face | fas fa-flushed | embarrassed, emoticon, face, | \f579
- : Fly | fab fa-fly | | \f417
- : Folder | fas fa-folder | archive, directory, document, file, | \f07b
- : Folder Minus | fas fa-folder-minus | archive, delete, directory, document, file, negative, remove, | \f65d
- : Folder Open | fas fa-folder-open | archive, directory, document, empty, file, new, | \f07c
- : Folder Plus | fas fa-folder-plus | add, archive, create, directory, document, file, new, positive, | \f65e
- : font | fas fa-font | alphabet, glyph, text, type, typeface, | \f031
- : Font Awesome | fab fa-font-awesome | meanpath, | \f2b4
- : Alternate Font Awesome | fab fa-font-awesome-alt | | \f35c
- : Font Awesome Flag | fab fa-font-awesome-flag | | \f425
- : Fonticons | fab fa-fonticons | | \f280
- : Fonticons Fi | fab fa-fonticons-fi | | \f3a2
- : Football Ball | fas fa-football-ball | ball, fall, nfl, pigskin, seasonal, | \f44e
- : Fort Awesome | fab fa-fort-awesome | castle, | \f286
- : Alternate Fort Awesome | fab fa-fort-awesome-alt | castle, | \f3a3
- : Forumbee | fab fa-forumbee | | \f211
- : forward | fas fa-forward | forward, next, skip, | \f04e
- : Foursquare | fab fa-foursquare | | \f180
- : freeCodeCamp | fab fa-free-code-camp | | \f2c5
- : FreeBSD | fab fa-freebsd | | \f3a4
- : Frog | fas fa-frog | amphibian, bullfrog, fauna, hop, kermit, kiss, prince, ribbit, toad, wart, | \f52e
- : Frowning Face | fas fa-frown | disapprove, emoticon, face, rating, sad, | \f119
- : Frowning Face With Open Mouth | fas fa-frown-open | disapprove, emoticon, face, rating, sad, | \f57a
- : Fulcrum | fab fa-fulcrum | | \f50b
- : Funnel Dollar | fas fa-funnel-dollar | filter, money, options, separate, sort, | \f662
- : Futbol | fas fa-futbol | ball, football, mls, soccer, | \f1e3
- : Galactic Republic | fab fa-galactic-republic | politics, star wars, | \f50c
- : Galactic Senate | fab fa-galactic-senate | star wars, | \f50d
- : Gamepad | fas fa-gamepad | arcade, controller, d-pad, joystick, video, video game, | \f11b
- : Gas Pump | fas fa-gas-pump | car, fuel, gasoline, petrol, | \f52f
- : Gavel | fas fa-gavel | hammer, judge, law, lawyer, opinion, | \f0e3
- : Gem | fas fa-gem | diamond, jewelry, sapphire, stone, treasure, | \f3a5
- : Genderless | fas fa-genderless | androgynous, asexual, sexless, | \f22d
- : Get Pocket | fab fa-get-pocket | | \f265
- : GG Currency | fab fa-gg | | \f260
- : GG Currency Circle | fab fa-gg-circle | | \f261
- : Ghost | fas fa-ghost | apparition, blinky, clyde, floating, halloween, holiday, inky, pinky, spirit, | \f6e2
- : gift | fas fa-gift | christmas, generosity, giving, holiday, party, present, wrapped, xmas, | \f06b
- : Gifts | fas fa-gifts | christmas, generosity, giving, holiday, party, present, wrapped, xmas, | \f79c
- : Git | fab fa-git | | \f1d3
- : Git Alt | fab fa-git-alt | | \f841
- : Git Square | fab fa-git-square | | \f1d2
- : GitHub | fab fa-github | octocat, | \f09b
- : Alternate GitHub | fab fa-github-alt | octocat, | \f113
- : GitHub Square | fab fa-github-square | octocat, | \f092
- : GitKraken | fab fa-gitkraken | | \f3a6
- : GitLab | fab fa-gitlab | Axosoft, | \f296
- : Gitter | fab fa-gitter | | \f426
- : Glass Cheers | fas fa-glass-cheers | alcohol, bar, beverage, celebration, champagne, clink, drink, holiday, new year's eve, party, toast, | \f79f
- : Martini Glass | fas fa-glass-martini | alcohol, bar, beverage, drink, liquor, | \f000
- : Alternate Glass Martini | fas fa-glass-martini-alt | alcohol, bar, beverage, drink, liquor, | \f57b
- : Glass Whiskey | fas fa-glass-whiskey | alcohol, bar, beverage, bourbon, drink, liquor, neat, rye, scotch, whisky, | \f7a0
- : Glasses | fas fa-glasses | hipster, nerd, reading, sight, spectacles, vision, | \f530
- : Glide | fab fa-glide | | \f2a5
- : Glide G | fab fa-glide-g | | \f2a6
- : Globe | fas fa-globe | all, coordinates, country, earth, global, gps, language, localize, location, map, online, place, planet, translate, travel, world, | \f0ac
- : Globe with Africa shown | fas fa-globe-africa | all, country, earth, global, gps, language, localize, location, map, online, place, planet, translate, travel, world, | \f57c
- : Globe with Americas shown | fas fa-globe-americas | all, country, earth, global, gps, language, localize, location, map, online, place, planet, translate, travel, world, | \f57d
- : Globe with Asia shown | fas fa-globe-asia | all, country, earth, global, gps, language, localize, location, map, online, place, planet, translate, travel, world, | \f57e
- : Globe with Europe shown | fas fa-globe-europe | all, country, earth, global, gps, language, localize, location, map, online, place, planet, translate, travel, world, | \f7a2
- : Gofore | fab fa-gofore | | \f3a7
- : Golf Ball | fas fa-golf-ball | caddy, eagle, putt, tee, | \f450
- : Goodreads | fab fa-goodreads | | \f3a8
- : Goodreads G | fab fa-goodreads-g | | \f3a9
- : Google Logo | fab fa-google | | \f1a0
- : Google Drive | fab fa-google-drive | | \f3aa
- : Google Play | fab fa-google-play | | \f3ab
- : Google Plus | fab fa-google-plus | google-plus-circle, google-plus-official, | \f2b3
- : Google Plus G | fab fa-google-plus-g | google-plus, social network, | \f0d5
- : Google Plus Square | fab fa-google-plus-square | social network, | \f0d4
- : Google Wallet | fab fa-google-wallet | | \f1ee
- : Gopuram | fas fa-gopuram | building, entrance, hinduism, temple, tower, | \f664
- : Graduation Cap | fas fa-graduation-cap | ceremony, college, graduate, learning, school, student, | \f19d
- : Gratipay (Gittip) | fab fa-gratipay | favorite, heart, like, love, | \f184
- : Grav | fab fa-grav | | \f2d6
- : Greater Than | fas fa-greater-than | arithmetic, compare, math, | \f531
- : Greater Than Equal To | fas fa-greater-than-equal | arithmetic, compare, math, | \f532
- : Grimacing Face | fas fa-grimace | cringe, emoticon, face, teeth, | \f57f
- : Grinning Face | fas fa-grin | emoticon, face, laugh, smile, | \f580
- : Alternate Grinning Face | fas fa-grin-alt | emoticon, face, laugh, smile, | \f581
- : Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes | fas fa-grin-beam | emoticon, face, laugh, smile, | \f582
- : Grinning Face With Sweat | fas fa-grin-beam-sweat | embarass, emoticon, face, smile, | \f583
- : Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes | fas fa-grin-hearts | emoticon, face, love, smile, | \f584
- : Grinning Squinting Face | fas fa-grin-squint | emoticon, face, laugh, smile, | \f585
- : Rolling on the Floor Laughing | fas fa-grin-squint-tears | emoticon, face, happy, smile, | \f586
- : Star-Struck | fas fa-grin-stars | emoticon, face, star-struck, | \f587
- : Face With Tears of Joy | fas fa-grin-tears | LOL, emoticon, face, | \f588
- : Face With Tongue | fas fa-grin-tongue | LOL, emoticon, face, | \f589
- : Squinting Face With Tongue | fas fa-grin-tongue-squint | LOL, emoticon, face, | \f58a
- : Winking Face With Tongue | fas fa-grin-tongue-wink | LOL, emoticon, face, | \f58b
- : Grinning Winking Face | fas fa-grin-wink | emoticon, face, flirt, laugh, smile, | \f58c
- : Grip Horizontal | fas fa-grip-horizontal | affordance, drag, drop, grab, handle, | \f58d
- : Grip Lines | fas fa-grip-lines | affordance, drag, drop, grab, handle, | \f7a4
- : Grip Lines Vertical | fas fa-grip-lines-vertical | affordance, drag, drop, grab, handle, | \f7a5
- : Grip Vertical | fas fa-grip-vertical | affordance, drag, drop, grab, handle, | \f58e
- : Gripfire, Inc. | fab fa-gripfire | | \f3ac
- : Grunt | fab fa-grunt | | \f3ad
- : Guitar | fas fa-guitar | acoustic, instrument, music, rock, rock and roll, song, strings, | \f7a6
- : Gulp | fab fa-gulp | | \f3ae
- : H Square | fas fa-h-square | directions, emergency, hospital, hotel, map, | \f0fd
- : Hacker News | fab fa-hacker-news | | \f1d4
- : Hacker News Square | fab fa-hacker-news-square | | \f3af
- : Hackerrank | fab fa-hackerrank | | \f5f7
- : Hamburger | fas fa-hamburger | bacon, beef, burger, burger king, cheeseburger, fast food, grill, ground beef, mcdonalds, sandwich, | \f805
- : Hammer | fas fa-hammer | admin, fix, repair, settings, tool, | \f6e3
- : Hamsa | fas fa-hamsa | amulet, christianity, islam, jewish, judaism, muslim, protection, | \f665
- : Hand Holding | fas fa-hand-holding | carry, lift, | \f4bd
- : Hand Holding Heart | fas fa-hand-holding-heart | carry, charity, gift, lift, package, | \f4be
- : Hand Holding Medical Cross | fas fa-hand-holding-medical | care, covid-19, donate, help, | \f95c
- : Hand Holding US Dollar | fas fa-hand-holding-usd | $, carry, dollar sign, donation, giving, lift, money, price, | \f4c0
- : Hand Holding Water | fas fa-hand-holding-water | carry, covid-19, drought, grow, lift, | \f4c1
- : Lizard (Hand) | fas fa-hand-lizard | game, roshambo, | \f258
- : Hand with Middle Finger Raised | fas fa-hand-middle-finger | flip the bird, gesture, hate, rude, | \f806
- : Paper (Hand) | fas fa-hand-paper | game, halt, roshambo, stop, | \f256
- : Peace (Hand) | fas fa-hand-peace | rest, truce, | \f25b
- : Hand Pointing Down | fas fa-hand-point-down | finger, hand-o-down, point, | \f0a7
- : Hand Pointing Left | fas fa-hand-point-left | back, finger, hand-o-left, left, point, previous, | \f0a5
- : Hand Pointing Right | fas fa-hand-point-right | finger, forward, hand-o-right, next, point, right, | \f0a4
- : Hand Pointing Up | fas fa-hand-point-up | finger, hand-o-up, point, | \f0a6
- : Pointer (Hand) | fas fa-hand-pointer | arrow, cursor, select, | \f25a
- : Rock (Hand) | fas fa-hand-rock | fist, game, roshambo, | \f255
- : Scissors (Hand) | fas fa-hand-scissors | cut, game, roshambo, | \f257
- : Hand Sparkles | fas fa-hand-sparkles | clean, covid-19, hygiene, magic, soap, wash, | \f95d
- : Spock (Hand) | fas fa-hand-spock | live long, prosper, salute, star trek, vulcan, | \f259
- : Hands | fas fa-hands | carry, hold, lift, | \f4c2
- : Helping Hands | fas fa-hands-helping | aid, assistance, handshake, partnership, volunteering, | \f4c4
- : Hands Wash | fas fa-hands-wash | covid-19, hygiene, soap, wash, | \f95e
- : Handshake | fas fa-handshake | agreement, greeting, meeting, partnership, | \f2b5
- : Handshake Alternate Slash | fas fa-handshake-alt-slash | broken, covid-19, social distance, | \f95f
- : Handshake Slash | fas fa-handshake-slash | broken, covid-19, social distance, | \f960
- : Hanukiah | fas fa-hanukiah | candle, hanukkah, jewish, judaism, light, | \f6e6
- : Hard Hat | fas fa-hard-hat | construction, hardhat, helmet, safety, | \f807
- : Hashtag | fas fa-hashtag | Twitter, instagram, pound, social media, tag, | \f292
- : Cowboy Hat | fas fa-hat-cowboy | buckaroo, horse, jackeroo, john b., old west, pardner, ranch, rancher, rodeo, western, wrangler, | \f8c0
- : Cowboy Hat Side | fas fa-hat-cowboy-side | buckaroo, horse, jackeroo, john b., old west, pardner, ranch, rancher, rodeo, western, wrangler, | \f8c1
- : Wizard's Hat | fas fa-hat-wizard | Dungeons & Dragons, accessory, buckle, clothing, d&d, dnd, fantasy, halloween, head, holiday, mage, magic, pointy, witch, | \f6e8
- : HDD | fas fa-hdd | cpu, hard drive, harddrive, machine, save, storage, | \f0a0
- : Head Side Cough | fas fa-head-side-cough | cough, covid-19, germs, lungs, respiratory, sick, | \f961
- : Head Side-cough-slash | fas fa-head-side-cough-slash | cough, covid-19, germs, lungs, respiratory, sick, | \f962
- : Head Side Mask | fas fa-head-side-mask | breath, covid-19, filter, respirator, virus, | \f963
- : Head Side Virus | fas fa-head-side-virus | cold, covid-19, flu, sick, | \f964
- : heading | fas fa-heading | format, header, text, title, | \f1dc
- : headphones | fas fa-headphones | audio, listen, music, sound, speaker, | \f025
- : Alternate Headphones | fas fa-headphones-alt | audio, listen, music, sound, speaker, | \f58f
- : Headset | fas fa-headset | audio, gamer, gaming, listen, live chat, microphone, shot caller, sound, support, telemarketer, customer support icon font awesome | \f590
- : Heart | fas fa-heart | favorite, like, love, relationship, valentine, | \f004
- : Heart Broken | fas fa-heart-broken | breakup, crushed, dislike, dumped, grief, love, lovesick, relationship, sad, | \f7a9
- : Heartbeat | fas fa-heartbeat | ekg, electrocardiogram, health, lifeline, vital signs, | \f21e
- : Helicopter | fas fa-helicopter | airwolf, apache, chopper, flight, fly, travel, | \f533
- : Highlighter | fas fa-highlighter | edit, marker, sharpie, update, write, | \f591
- : Hiking | fas fa-hiking | activity, backpack, fall, fitness, outdoors, person, seasonal, walking, | \f6ec
- : Hippo | fas fa-hippo | animal, fauna, hippopotamus, hungry, mammal, | \f6ed
- : Hips | fab fa-hips | | \f452
- : HireAHelper | fab fa-hire-a-helper | | \f3b0
- : History | fas fa-history | Rewind, clock, reverse, time, time machine, | \f1da
- : Hockey Puck | fas fa-hockey-puck | ice, nhl, sport, | \f453
- : Holly Berry | fas fa-holly-berry | catwoman, christmas, decoration, flora, halle, holiday, ororo munroe, plant, storm, xmas, | \f7aa
- : home | fas fa-home | abode, building, house, main, | \f015
- : Hooli | fab fa-hooli | | \f427
- : Hornbill | fab fa-hornbill | | \f592
- : Horse | fas fa-horse | equus, fauna, mammmal, mare, neigh, pony, | \f6f0
- : Horse Head | fas fa-horse-head | equus, fauna, mammmal, mare, neigh, pony, | \f7ab
- : hospital | fas fa-hospital | building, covid-19, emergency room, medical center, | \f0f8
- : Alternate Hospital | fas fa-hospital-alt | building, covid-19, emergency room, medical center, | \f47d
- : Hospital Symbol | fas fa-hospital-symbol | clinic, covid-19, emergency, map, | \f47e
- : Hospital with User | fas fa-hospital-user | covid-19, doctor, network, patient, primary care, | \f80d
- : Hot Tub | fas fa-hot-tub | bath, jacuzzi, massage, sauna, spa, | \f593
- : Hot Dog | fas fa-hotdog | bun, chili, frankfurt, frankfurter, kosher, polish, sandwich, sausage, vienna, weiner, | \f80f
- : Hotel | fas fa-hotel | building, inn, lodging, motel, resort, travel, | \f594
- : Hotjar | fab fa-hotjar | | \f3b1
- : Hourglass | fas fa-hourglass | hour, minute, sand, stopwatch, time, | \f254
- : Hourglass End | fas fa-hourglass-end | hour, minute, sand, stopwatch, time, | \f253
- : Hourglass Half | fas fa-hourglass-half | hour, minute, sand, stopwatch, time, | \f252
- : Hourglass Start | fas fa-hourglass-start | hour, minute, sand, stopwatch, time, | \f251
- : Damaged House | fas fa-house-damage | building, devastation, disaster, home, insurance, | \f6f1
- : House User | fas fa-house-user | covid-19, home, isolation, quarantine, | \f965
- : Houzz | fab fa-houzz | | \f27c
- : Hryvnia | fas fa-hryvnia | currency, money, ukraine, ukrainian, | \f6f2
- : HTML 5 Logo | fab fa-html5 | | \f13b
- : HubSpot | fab fa-hubspot | | \f3b2
- : I Beam Cursor | fas fa-i-cursor | editing, i-beam, type, writing, | \f246
- : Ice Cream | fas fa-ice-cream | chocolate, cone, dessert, frozen, scoop, sorbet, vanilla, yogurt, | \f810
- : Icicles | fas fa-icicles | cold, frozen, hanging, ice, seasonal, sharp, | \f7ad
- : Icons | fas fa-icons | bolt, emoji, heart, image, music, photo, symbols, | \f86d
- : Identification Badge | fas fa-id-badge | address, contact, identification, license, profile, | \f2c1
- : Identification Card | fas fa-id-card | contact, demographics, document, identification, issued, profile, | \f2c2
- : Alternate Identification Card | fas fa-id-card-alt | contact, demographics, document, identification, issued, profile, | \f47f
- : iDeal | fab fa-ideal | | \f913
- : Igloo | fas fa-igloo | dome, dwelling, eskimo, home, house, ice, snow, | \f7ae
- : Image | fas fa-image | album, landscape, photo, picture, | \f03e
- : Images | fas fa-images | album, landscape, photo, picture, | \f302
- : IMDB | fab fa-imdb | | \f2d8
- : inbox | fas fa-inbox | archive, desk, email, mail, message, | \f01c
- : Indent | fas fa-indent | align, justify, paragraph, tab, | \f03c
- : Industry | fas fa-industry | building, factory, industrial, manufacturing, mill, warehouse, | \f275
- : Infinity | fas fa-infinity | eternity, forever, math, | \f534
- : Info | fas fa-info | details, help, information, more, support, | \f129
- : Info Circle | fas fa-info-circle | details, help, information, more, support, | \f05a
- : Instagram | fab fa-instagram | | \f16d
- : Instagram Square | fab fa-instagram-square | | \f955
- : Intercom | fab fa-intercom | app, customer, messenger, | \f7af
- : Internet-explorer | fab fa-internet-explorer | browser, ie, | \f26b
- : InVision | fab fa-invision | app, design, interface, | \f7b0
- : ioxhost | fab fa-ioxhost | | \f208
- : italic | fas fa-italic | edit, emphasis, font, format, text, type, | \f033
- : | fab fa-itch-io | | \f83a
- : iTunes | fab fa-itunes | | \f3b4
- : Itunes Note | fab fa-itunes-note | | \f3b5
- : Java | fab fa-java | | \f4e4
- : Jedi | fas fa-jedi | crest, force, sith, skywalker, star wars, yoda, | \f669
- : Jedi Order | fab fa-jedi-order | star wars, | \f50e
- : Jenkis | fab fa-jenkins | | \f3b6
- : Jira | fab fa-jira | atlassian, | \f7b1
- : Joget | fab fa-joget | | \f3b7
- : Joint | fas fa-joint | blunt, cannabis, doobie, drugs, marijuana, roach, smoke, smoking, spliff, | \f595
- : Joomla Logo | fab fa-joomla | | \f1aa
- : Journal of the Whills | fas fa-journal-whills | book, force, jedi, sith, star wars, yoda, | \f66a
- : JavaScript (JS) | fab fa-js | | \f3b8
- : JavaScript (JS) Square | fab fa-js-square | | \f3b9
- : jsFiddle | fab fa-jsfiddle | | \f1cc
- : Kaaba | fas fa-kaaba | building, cube, islam, muslim, | \f66b
- : Kaggle | fab fa-kaggle | | \f5fa
- : key | fas fa-key | lock, password, private, secret, unlock, | \f084
- : Keybase | fab fa-keybase | | \f4f5
- : Keyboard | fas fa-keyboard | accessory, edit, input, text, type, write, | \f11c
- : KeyCDN | fab fa-keycdn | | \f3ba
- : Khanda | fas fa-khanda | chakkar, sikh, sikhism, sword, | \f66d
- : Kickstarter | fab fa-kickstarter | | \f3bb
- : Kickstarter K | fab fa-kickstarter-k | | \f3bc
- : Kissing Face | fas fa-kiss | beso, emoticon, face, love, smooch, | \f596
- : Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes | fas fa-kiss-beam | beso, emoticon, face, love, smooch, | \f597
- : Face Blowing a Kiss | fas fa-kiss-wink-heart | beso, emoticon, face, love, smooch, | \f598
- : Kiwi Bird | fas fa-kiwi-bird | bird, fauna, new zealand, | \f535
- : KORVUE | fab fa-korvue | | \f42f
- : Landmark | fas fa-landmark | building, historic, memorable, monument, politics, | \f66f
- : Language | fas fa-language | dialect, idiom, localize, speech, translate, vernacular, | \f1ab
- : Laptop | fas fa-laptop | computer, cpu, dell, demo, device, mac, macbook, machine, pc, | \f109
- : Laptop Code | fas fa-laptop-code | computer, cpu, dell, demo, develop, device, mac, macbook, machine, pc, | \f5fc
- : Laptop House | fas fa-laptop-house | computer, covid-19, device, office, remote, work from home, | \f966
- : Laptop Medical | fas fa-laptop-medical | computer, device, ehr, electronic health records, history, | \f812
- : Laravel | fab fa-laravel | | \f3bd
- : | fab fa-lastfm | | \f202
- : Square | fab fa-lastfm-square | | \f203
- : Grinning Face With Big Eyes | fas fa-laugh | LOL, emoticon, face, laugh, smile, | \f599
- : Laugh Face with Beaming Eyes | fas fa-laugh-beam | LOL, emoticon, face, happy, smile, | \f59a
- : Laughing Squinting Face | fas fa-laugh-squint | LOL, emoticon, face, happy, smile, | \f59b
- : Laughing Winking Face | fas fa-laugh-wink | LOL, emoticon, face, happy, smile, | \f59c
- : Layer Group | fas fa-layer-group | arrange, develop, layers, map, stack, | \f5fd
- : leaf | fas fa-leaf | eco, flora, nature, plant, vegan, | \f06c
- : Leanpub | fab fa-leanpub | | \f212
- : Lemon | fas fa-lemon | citrus, lemonade, lime, tart, | \f094
- : Less | fab fa-less | | \f41d
- : Less Than | fas fa-less-than | arithmetic, compare, math, | \f536
- : Less Than Equal To | fas fa-less-than-equal | arithmetic, compare, math, | \f537
- : Alternate Level Down | fas fa-level-down-alt | arrow, level-down, | \f3be
- : Alternate Level Up | fas fa-level-up-alt | arrow, level-up, | \f3bf
- : Life Ring | fas fa-life-ring | coast guard, help, overboard, save, support, customer support icon font awesome | \f1cd
- : Lightbulb | fas fa-lightbulb | energy, idea, inspiration, light, | \f0eb
- : Line | fab fa-line | | \f3c0
- : Link | fas fa-link | attach, attachment, chain, connect, | \f0c1
- : LinkedIn | fab fa-linkedin | linkedin-square, | \f08c
- : LinkedIn In | fab fa-linkedin-in | linkedin, | \f0e1
- : Linode | fab fa-linode | | \f2b8
- : Linux | fab fa-linux | tux, | \f17c
- : Turkish Lira Sign | fas fa-lira-sign | currency, money, try, turkish, | \f195
- : List | fas fa-list | checklist, completed, done, finished, ol, todo, ul, list icon | \f03a
- : Alternate List | fas fa-list-alt | checklist, completed, done, finished, ol, todo, ul, list icon | \f022
- : list-ol | fas fa-list-ol | checklist, completed, done, finished, numbers, ol, todo, ul, list icon | \f0cb
- : list-ul | fas fa-list-ul | checklist, completed, done, finished, ol, todo, ul, list icon | \f0ca
- : location-arrow | fas fa-location-arrow | address, compass, coordinate, direction, gps, map, navigation, place, | \f124
- : lock | fas fa-lock | admin, lock, open, password, private, protect, security, | \f023
- : Lock Open | fas fa-lock-open | admin, lock, open, password, private, protect, security, | \f3c1
- : Alternate Long Arrow Down | fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down | download, long-arrow-down, | \f309
- : Alternate Long Arrow Left | fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left | back, long-arrow-left, previous, | \f30a
- : Alternate Long Arrow Right | fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right | forward, long-arrow-right, next, | \f30b
- : Alternate Long Arrow Up | fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up | long-arrow-up, upload, | \f30c
- : Low Vision | fas fa-low-vision | blind, eye, sight, | \f2a8
- : Luggage Cart | fas fa-luggage-cart | bag, baggage, suitcase, travel, | \f59d
- : Lungs | fas fa-lungs | air, breath, covid-19, organ, respiratory, | \f604
- : Lungs Virus | fas fa-lungs-virus | breath, covid-19, respiratory, sick, | \f967
- : lyft | fab fa-lyft | | \f3c3
- : Magento | fab fa-magento | | \f3c4
- : magic | fas fa-magic | autocomplete, automatic, mage, magic, spell, wand, witch, wizard, | \f0d0
- : magnet | fas fa-magnet | Attract, lodestone, tool, | \f076
- : Mail Bulk | fas fa-mail-bulk | archive, envelope, letter, post office, postal, postcard, send, stamp, usps, | \f674
- : Mailchimp | fab fa-mailchimp | | \f59e
- : Male | fas fa-male | human, man, person, profile, user, | \f183
- : Mandalorian | fab fa-mandalorian | | \f50f
- : Map | fas fa-map | address, coordinates, destination, gps, localize, location, map, navigation, paper, pin, place, point of interest, position, route, travel, | \f279
- : Map Marked | fas fa-map-marked | address, coordinates, destination, gps, localize, location, map, navigation, paper, pin, place, point of interest, position, route, travel, | \f59f
- : Alternate Map Marked | fas fa-map-marked-alt | address, coordinates, destination, gps, localize, location, map, navigation, paper, pin, place, point of interest, position, route, travel, | \f5a0
- : map-marker | fas fa-map-marker | address, coordinates, destination, gps, localize, location, map, navigation, paper, pin, place, point of interest, position, route, travel, | \f041
- : Alternate Map Marker | fas fa-map-marker-alt | address, coordinates, destination, gps, localize, location, map, navigation, paper, pin, place, point of interest, position, route, travel, | \f3c5
- : Map Pin | fas fa-map-pin | address, agree, coordinates, destination, gps, localize, location, map, marker, navigation, pin, place, position, travel, | \f276
- : Map Signs | fas fa-map-signs | directions, directory, map, signage, wayfinding, | \f277
- : Markdown | fab fa-markdown | | \f60f
- : Marker | fas fa-marker | design, edit, sharpie, update, write, | \f5a1
- : Mars | fas fa-mars | male, | \f222
- : Mars Double | fas fa-mars-double | | \f227
- : Mars Stroke | fas fa-mars-stroke | | \f229
- : Mars Stroke Horizontal | fas fa-mars-stroke-h | | \f22b
- : Mars Stroke Vertical | fas fa-mars-stroke-v | | \f22a
- : Mask | fas fa-mask | carnivale, costume, disguise, halloween, secret, super hero, | \f6fa
- : Mastodon | fab fa-mastodon | | \f4f6
- : MaxCDN | fab fa-maxcdn | | \f136
- : Material Design for Bootstrap | fab fa-mdb | | \f8ca
- : Medal | fas fa-medal | award, ribbon, star, trophy, | \f5a2
- : MedApps | fab fa-medapps | | \f3c6
- : Medium | fab fa-medium | | \f23a
- : Medium M | fab fa-medium-m | | \f3c7
- : medkit | fas fa-medkit | first aid, firstaid, health, help, support, | \f0fa
- : MRT | fab fa-medrt | | \f3c8
- : Meetup | fab fa-meetup | | \f2e0
- : Megaport | fab fa-megaport | | \f5a3
- : Neutral Face | fas fa-meh | emoticon, face, neutral, rating, | \f11a
- : Face Without Mouth | fas fa-meh-blank | emoticon, face, neutral, rating, | \f5a4
- : Face With Rolling Eyes | fas fa-meh-rolling-eyes | emoticon, face, neutral, rating, | \f5a5
- : Memory | fas fa-memory | DIMM, RAM, hardware, storage, technology, | \f538
- : Mendeley | fab fa-mendeley | | \f7b3
- : Menorah | fas fa-menorah | candle, hanukkah, jewish, judaism, light, | \f676
- : Mercury | fas fa-mercury | transgender, | \f223
- : Meteor | fas fa-meteor | armageddon, asteroid, comet, shooting star, space, | \f753
- : | fab fa-microblog | | \f91a
- : Microchip | fas fa-microchip | cpu, hardware, processor, technology, | \f2db
- : microphone | fas fa-microphone | audio, podcast, record, sing, sound, voice, | \f130
- : Alternate Microphone | fas fa-microphone-alt | audio, podcast, record, sing, sound, voice, | \f3c9
- : Alternate Microphone Slash | fas fa-microphone-alt-slash | audio, disable, mute, podcast, record, sing, sound, voice, | \f539
- : Microphone Slash | fas fa-microphone-slash | audio, disable, mute, podcast, record, sing, sound, voice, | \f131
- : Microscope | fas fa-microscope | covid-19, electron, lens, optics, science, shrink, | \f610
- : Microsoft | fab fa-microsoft | | \f3ca
- : minus | fas fa-minus | collapse, delete, hide, minify, negative, remove, trash, | \f068
- : Minus Circle | fas fa-minus-circle | delete, hide, negative, remove, shape, trash, | \f056
- : Minus Square | fas fa-minus-square | collapse, delete, hide, minify, negative, remove, shape, trash, | \f146
- : Mitten | fas fa-mitten | clothing, cold, glove, hands, knitted, seasonal, warmth, | \f7b5
- : Mix | fab fa-mix | | \f3cb
- : Mixcloud | fab fa-mixcloud | | \f289
- : Mixer | fab fa-mixer | | \f956
- : Mizuni | fab fa-mizuni | | \f3cc
- : Mobile Phone | fas fa-mobile | apple, call, cell phone, cellphone, device, iphone, number, screen, telephone, | \f10b
- : Alternate Mobile | fas fa-mobile-alt | apple, call, cell phone, cellphone, device, iphone, number, screen, telephone, | \f3cd
- : MODX | fab fa-modx | | \f285
- : Monero | fab fa-monero | | \f3d0
- : Money Bill | fas fa-money-bill | buy, cash, checkout, money, payment, price, purchase, | \f0d6
- : Alternate Money Bill | fas fa-money-bill-alt | buy, cash, checkout, money, payment, price, purchase, | \f3d1
- : Wavy Money Bill | fas fa-money-bill-wave | buy, cash, checkout, money, payment, price, purchase, | \f53a
- : Alternate Wavy Money Bill | fas fa-money-bill-wave-alt | buy, cash, checkout, money, payment, price, purchase, | \f53b
- : Money Check | fas fa-money-check | bank check, buy, checkout, cheque, money, payment, price, purchase, | \f53c
- : Alternate Money Check | fas fa-money-check-alt | bank check, buy, checkout, cheque, money, payment, price, purchase, | \f53d
- : Monument | fas fa-monument | building, historic, landmark, memorable, | \f5a6
- : Moon | fas fa-moon | contrast, crescent, dark, lunar, night, | \f186
- : Mortar Pestle | fas fa-mortar-pestle | crush, culinary, grind, medical, mix, pharmacy, prescription, spices, | \f5a7
- : Mosque | fas fa-mosque | building, islam, landmark, muslim, | \f678
- : Motorcycle | fas fa-motorcycle | bike, machine, transportation, vehicle, | \f21c
- : Mountain | fas fa-mountain | glacier, hiking, hill, landscape, travel, view, | \f6fc
- : Mouse | fas fa-mouse | click, computer, cursor, input, peripheral, | \f8cc
- : Mouse Pointer | fas fa-mouse-pointer | arrow, cursor, select, | \f245
- : Mug Hot | fas fa-mug-hot | caliente, cocoa, coffee, cup, drink, holiday, hot chocolate, steam, tea, warmth, | \f7b6
- : Music | fas fa-music | lyrics, melody, note, sing, sound, | \f001
- : Napster | fab fa-napster | | \f3d2
- : Neos | fab fa-neos | | \f612
- : Wired Network | fas fa-network-wired | computer, connect, ethernet, internet, intranet, | \f6ff
- : Neuter | fas fa-neuter | | \f22c
- : Newspaper | fas fa-newspaper | article, editorial, headline, journal, journalism, news, press, | \f1ea
- : Nimblr | fab fa-nimblr | | \f5a8
- : Node.js | fab fa-node | | \f419
- : Node.js JS | fab fa-node-js | | \f3d3
- : Not Equal | fas fa-not-equal | arithmetic, compare, math, | \f53e
- : Medical Notes | fas fa-notes-medical | clipboard, doctor, ehr, health, history, records, | \f481
- : npm | fab fa-npm | | \f3d4
- : NS8 | fab fa-ns8 | | \f3d5
- : Nutritionix | fab fa-nutritionix | | \f3d6
- : Object Group | fas fa-object-group | combine, copy, design, merge, select, | \f247
- : Object Ungroup | fas fa-object-ungroup | copy, design, merge, select, separate, | \f248
- : Odnoklassniki | fab fa-odnoklassniki | | \f263
- : Odnoklassniki Square | fab fa-odnoklassniki-square | | \f264
- : Oil Can | fas fa-oil-can | auto, crude, gasoline, grease, lubricate, petroleum, | \f613
- : Old Republic | fab fa-old-republic | politics, star wars, | \f510
- : Om | fas fa-om | buddhism, hinduism, jainism, mantra, | \f679
- : OpenCart | fab fa-opencart | | \f23d
- : OpenID | fab fa-openid | | \f19b
- : Opera | fab fa-opera | | \f26a
- : Optin Monster | fab fa-optin-monster | | \f23c
- : ORCID | fab fa-orcid | | \f8d2
- : Open Source Initiative | fab fa-osi | | \f41a
- : Otter | fas fa-otter | animal, badger, fauna, fur, mammal, marten, | \f700
- : Outdent | fas fa-outdent | align, justify, paragraph, tab, | \f03b
- : page4 Corporation | fab fa-page4 | | \f3d7
- : Pagelines | fab fa-pagelines | eco, flora, leaf, leaves, nature, plant, tree, | \f18c
- : Pager | fas fa-pager | beeper, cellphone, communication, | \f815
- : Paint Brush | fas fa-paint-brush | acrylic, art, brush, color, fill, paint, pigment, watercolor, | \f1fc
- : Paint Roller | fas fa-paint-roller | acrylic, art, brush, color, fill, paint, pigment, watercolor, | \f5aa
- : Palette | fas fa-palette | acrylic, art, brush, color, fill, paint, pigment, watercolor, | \f53f
- : Palfed | fab fa-palfed | | \f3d8
- : Pallet | fas fa-pallet | archive, box, inventory, shipping, warehouse, | \f482
- : Paper Plane | fas fa-paper-plane | air, float, fold, mail, paper, send, | \f1d8
- : Paperclip | fas fa-paperclip | attach, attachment, connect, link, | \f0c6
- : Parachute Box | fas fa-parachute-box | aid, assistance, rescue, supplies, | \f4cd
- : paragraph | fas fa-paragraph | edit, format, text, writing, | \f1dd
- : Parking | fas fa-parking | auto, car, garage, meter, | \f540
- : Passport | fas fa-passport | document, id, identification, issued, travel, | \f5ab
- : Pastafarianism | fas fa-pastafarianism | agnosticism, atheism, flying spaghetti monster, fsm, | \f67b
- : Paste | fas fa-paste | clipboard, copy, document, paper, | \f0ea
- : Patreon | fab fa-patreon | | \f3d9
- : pause | fas fa-pause | hold, wait, | \f04c
- : Pause Circle | fas fa-pause-circle | hold, wait, | \f28b
- : Paw | fas fa-paw | animal, cat, dog, pet, print, | \f1b0
- : Paypal | fab fa-paypal | | \f1ed
- : Peace | fas fa-peace | serenity, tranquility, truce, war, | \f67c
- : Pen | fas fa-pen | design, edit, update, write, | \f304
- : Alternate Pen | fas fa-pen-alt | design, edit, update, write, | \f305
- : Pen Fancy | fas fa-pen-fancy | design, edit, fountain pen, update, write, | \f5ac
- : Pen Nib | fas fa-pen-nib | design, edit, fountain pen, update, write, | \f5ad
- : Pen Square | fas fa-pen-square | edit, pencil-square, update, write, | \f14b
- : Alternate Pencil | fas fa-pencil-alt | design, edit, pencil, update, write, | \f303
- : Pencil Ruler | fas fa-pencil-ruler | design, draft, draw, pencil, | \f5ae
- : Penny Arcade | fab fa-penny-arcade | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, game, gaming, pax, tabletop, | \f704
- : People Arrows | fas fa-people-arrows | covid-19, personal space, social distance, space, spread, users, | \f968
- : People Carry | fas fa-people-carry | box, carry, fragile, help, movers, package, | \f4ce
- : Hot Pepper | fas fa-pepper-hot | buffalo wings, capsicum, chili, chilli, habanero, jalapeno, mexican, spicy, tabasco, vegetable, | \f816
- : Percent | fas fa-percent | discount, fraction, proportion, rate, ratio, promotion | \f295
- : Percentage | fas fa-percentage | discount, fraction, proportion, rate, ratio, promotion | \f541
- : Periscope | fab fa-periscope | | \f3da
- : Person Entering Booth | fas fa-person-booth | changing, changing room, election, human, person, vote, voting, | \f756
- : Phabricator | fab fa-phabricator | | \f3db
- : Phoenix Framework | fab fa-phoenix-framework | | \f3dc
- : Phoenix Squadron | fab fa-phoenix-squadron | | \f511
- : Phone | fas fa-phone | call, earphone, number, support, telephone, voice, | \f095
- : Alternate Phone | fas fa-phone-alt | call, earphone, number, support, telephone, voice, | \f879
- : Phone Slash | fas fa-phone-slash | call, cancel, earphone, mute, number, support, telephone, voice, | \f3dd
- : Phone Square | fas fa-phone-square | call, earphone, number, support, telephone, voice, | \f098
- : Alternate Phone Square | fas fa-phone-square-alt | call, earphone, number, support, telephone, voice, | \f87b
- : Phone Volume | fas fa-phone-volume | call, earphone, number, sound, support, telephone, voice, volume-control-phone, | \f2a0
- : Photo Video | fas fa-photo-video | av, film, image, library, media, | \f87c
- : PHP | fab fa-php | | \f457
- : Pied Piper Logo | fab fa-pied-piper | | \f2ae
- : Alternate Pied Piper Logo (Old) | fab fa-pied-piper-alt | | \f1a8
- : Pied Piper Hat (Old) | fab fa-pied-piper-hat | clothing, | \f4e5
- : Pied Piper PP Logo (Old) | fab fa-pied-piper-pp | | \f1a7
- : Pied Piper Square Logo (Old) | fab fa-pied-piper-square | | \f91e
- : Piggy Bank | fas fa-piggy-bank | bank, save, savings, | \f4d3
- : Pills | fas fa-pills | drugs, medicine, prescription, tablets, | \f484
- : Pinterest | fab fa-pinterest | | \f0d2
- : Pinterest P | fab fa-pinterest-p | | \f231
- : Pinterest Square | fab fa-pinterest-square | | \f0d3
- : Pizza Slice | fas fa-pizza-slice | cheese, chicago, italian, mozzarella, new york, pepperoni, pie, slice, teenage mutant ninja turtles, tomato, | \f818
- : Place of Worship | fas fa-place-of-worship | building, church, holy, mosque, synagogue, | \f67f
- : plane | fas fa-plane | airplane, destination, fly, location, mode, travel, trip, | \f072
- : Plane Arrival | fas fa-plane-arrival | airplane, arriving, destination, fly, land, landing, location, mode, travel, trip, | \f5af
- : Plane Departure | fas fa-plane-departure | airplane, departing, destination, fly, location, mode, take off, taking off, travel, trip, | \f5b0
- : Plane Slash | fas fa-plane-slash | airplane mode, canceled, covid-19, delayed, grounded, travel, | \f969
- : play | fas fa-play | audio, music, playing, sound, start, video, | \f04b
- : Play Circle | fas fa-play-circle | audio, music, playing, sound, start, video, | \f144
- : PlayStation | fab fa-playstation | | \f3df
- : Plug | fas fa-plug | connect, electric, online, power, | \f1e6
- : plus | fas fa-plus | add, create, expand, new, positive, shape, | \f067
- : Plus Circle | fas fa-plus-circle | add, create, expand, new, positive, shape, | \f055
- : Plus Square | fas fa-plus-square | add, create, expand, new, positive, shape, | \f0fe
- : Podcast | fas fa-podcast | audio, broadcast, music, sound, | \f2ce
- : Poll | fas fa-poll | results, survey, trend, vote, voting, | \f681
- : Poll H | fas fa-poll-h | results, survey, trend, vote, voting, | \f682
- : Poo | fas fa-poo | crap, poop, shit, smile, turd, | \f2fe
- : Poo Storm | fas fa-poo-storm | bolt, cloud, euphemism, lightning, mess, poop, shit, turd, | \f75a
- : Poop | fas fa-poop | crap, poop, shit, smile, turd, | \f619
- : Portrait | fas fa-portrait | id, image, photo, picture, selfie, | \f3e0
- : Pound Sign | fas fa-pound-sign | currency, gbp, money, | \f154
- : Power Off | fas fa-power-off | cancel, computer, on, reboot, restart, | \f011
- : Pray | fas fa-pray | kneel, preach, religion, worship, | \f683
- : Praying Hands | fas fa-praying-hands | kneel, preach, religion, worship, | \f684
- : Prescription | fas fa-prescription | drugs, medical, medicine, pharmacy, rx, | \f5b1
- : Prescription Bottle | fas fa-prescription-bottle | drugs, medical, medicine, pharmacy, rx, | \f485
- : Alternate Prescription Bottle | fas fa-prescription-bottle-alt | drugs, medical, medicine, pharmacy, rx, | \f486
- : print | fas fa-print | business, copy, document, office, paper, | \f02f
- : Procedures | fas fa-procedures | EKG, bed, electrocardiogram, health, hospital, life, patient, vital, | \f487
- : Product Hunt | fab fa-product-hunt | | \f288
- : Project Diagram | fas fa-project-diagram | chart, graph, network, pert, | \f542
- : Pump Medical | fas fa-pump-medical | anti-bacterial, clean, covid-19, disinfect, hygiene, medical grade, sanitizer, soap, | \f96a
- : Pump Soap | fas fa-pump-soap | anti-bacterial, clean, covid-19, disinfect, hygiene, sanitizer, soap, | \f96b
- : Pushed | fab fa-pushed | | \f3e1
- : Puzzle Piece | fas fa-puzzle-piece | add-on, addon, game, section, | \f12e
- : Python | fab fa-python | | \f3e2
- : QQ | fab fa-qq | | \f1d6
- : qrcode | fas fa-qrcode | barcode, info, information, scan, | \f029
- : Question | fas fa-question | help, information, support, unknown, | \f128
- : Question Circle | fas fa-question-circle | help, information, support, unknown, | \f059
- : Quidditch | fas fa-quidditch | ball, bludger, broom, golden snitch, harry potter, hogwarts, quaffle, sport, wizard, | \f458
- : QuinScape | fab fa-quinscape | | \f459
- : Quora | fab fa-quora | | \f2c4
- : quote-left | fas fa-quote-left | mention, note, phrase, text, type, | \f10d
- : quote-right | fas fa-quote-right | mention, note, phrase, text, type, | \f10e
- : Quran | fas fa-quran | book, islam, muslim, religion, | \f687
- : R Project | fab fa-r-project | | \f4f7
- : Radiation | fas fa-radiation | danger, dangerous, deadly, hazard, nuclear, radioactive, warning, | \f7b9
- : Alternate Radiation | fas fa-radiation-alt | danger, dangerous, deadly, hazard, nuclear, radioactive, warning, | \f7ba
- : Rainbow | fas fa-rainbow | gold, leprechaun, prism, rain, sky, | \f75b
- : random | fas fa-random | arrows, shuffle, sort, swap, switch, transfer, | \f074
- : Raspberry Pi | fab fa-raspberry-pi | | \f7bb
- : Ravelry | fab fa-ravelry | | \f2d9
- : React | fab fa-react | | \f41b
- : ReactEurope | fab fa-reacteurope | | \f75d
- : ReadMe | fab fa-readme | | \f4d5
- : Rebel Alliance | fab fa-rebel | | \f1d0
- : Receipt | fas fa-receipt | check, invoice, money, pay, table, | \f543
- : Record Vinyl | fas fa-record-vinyl | LP, album, analog, music, phonograph, sound, | \f8d9
- : Recycle | fas fa-recycle | Waste, compost, garbage, reuse, trash, | \f1b8
- : red river | fab fa-red-river | | \f3e3
- : reddit Logo | fab fa-reddit | | \f1a1
- : reddit Alien | fab fa-reddit-alien | | \f281
- : reddit Square | fab fa-reddit-square | | \f1a2
- : Redhat | fab fa-redhat | linux, operating system, os, | \f7bc
- : Redo | fas fa-redo | forward, refresh, reload, repeat, | \f01e
- : Alternate Redo | fas fa-redo-alt | forward, refresh, reload, repeat, | \f2f9
- : Registered Trademark | fas fa-registered | copyright, mark, trademark, | \f25d
- : Remove Format | fas fa-remove-format | cancel, font, format, remove, style, text, | \f87d
- : Renren | fab fa-renren | | \f18b
- : Reply | fas fa-reply | mail, message, respond, | \f3e5
- : reply-all | fas fa-reply-all | mail, message, respond, | \f122
- : replyd | fab fa-replyd | | \f3e6
- : Republican | fas fa-republican | american, conservative, election, elephant, politics, republican party, right, right-wing, usa, | \f75e
- : Researchgate | fab fa-researchgate | | \f4f8
- : Resolving | fab fa-resolving | | \f3e7
- : Restroom | fas fa-restroom | bathroom, john, loo, potty, washroom, waste, wc, | \f7bd
- : Retweet | fas fa-retweet | refresh, reload, share, swap, | \f079
- : | fab fa-rev | | \f5b2
- : Ribbon | fas fa-ribbon | badge, cause, lapel, pin, | \f4d6
- : Ring | fas fa-ring | Dungeons & Dragons, Gollum, band, binding, d&d, dnd, engagement, fantasy, gold, jewelry, marriage, precious, | \f70b
- : road | fas fa-road | highway, map, pavement, route, street, travel, | \f018
- : Robot | fas fa-robot | android, automate, computer, cyborg, | \f544
- : rocket | fas fa-rocket | aircraft, app, jet, launch, nasa, space, | \f135
- : Rocket.Chat | fab fa-rocketchat | | \f3e8
- : Rockrms | fab fa-rockrms | | \f3e9
- : Route | fas fa-route | directions, navigation, travel, | \f4d7
- : rss | fas fa-rss | blog, feed, journal, news, writing, | \f09e
- : RSS Square | fas fa-rss-square | blog, feed, journal, news, writing, | \f143
- : Ruble Sign | fas fa-ruble-sign | currency, money, rub, | \f158
- : Ruler | fas fa-ruler | design, draft, length, measure, planning, | \f545
- : Ruler Combined | fas fa-ruler-combined | design, draft, length, measure, planning, | \f546
- : Ruler Horizontal | fas fa-ruler-horizontal | design, draft, length, measure, planning, | \f547
- : Ruler Vertical | fas fa-ruler-vertical | design, draft, length, measure, planning, | \f548
- : Running | fas fa-running | exercise, health, jog, person, run, sport, sprint, | \f70c
- : Indian Rupee Sign | fas fa-rupee-sign | currency, indian, inr, money, | \f156
- : Crying Face | fas fa-sad-cry | emoticon, face, tear, tears, | \f5b3
- : Loudly Crying Face | fas fa-sad-tear | emoticon, face, tear, tears, | \f5b4
- : Safari | fab fa-safari | browser, | \f267
- : Salesforce | fab fa-salesforce | | \f83b
- : Sass | fab fa-sass | | \f41e
- : Satellite | fas fa-satellite | communications, hardware, orbit, space, | \f7bf
- : Satellite Dish | fas fa-satellite-dish | SETI, communications, hardware, receiver, saucer, signal, space, | \f7c0
- : Save | fas fa-save | disk, download, floppy, floppy-o, font awesome floppy disk | \f0c7
- : SCHLIX | fab fa-schlix | | \f3ea
- : School | fas fa-school | building, education, learn, student, teacher, | \f549
- : Screwdriver | fas fa-screwdriver | admin, fix, mechanic, repair, settings, tool, | \f54a
- : Scribd | fab fa-scribd | | \f28a
- : Scroll | fas fa-scroll | Dungeons & Dragons, announcement, d&d, dnd, fantasy, paper, script, | \f70e
- : Sd Card | fas fa-sd-card | image, memory, photo, save, | \f7c2
- : Search | fas fa-search | bigger, enlarge, find, magnify, preview, zoom, | \f002
- : Search Dollar | fas fa-search-dollar | bigger, enlarge, find, magnify, money, preview, zoom, | \f688
- : Search Location | fas fa-search-location | bigger, enlarge, find, magnify, preview, zoom, | \f689
- : Search Minus | fas fa-search-minus | minify, negative, smaller, zoom, zoom out, | \f010
- : Search Plus | fas fa-search-plus | bigger, enlarge, magnify, positive, zoom, zoom in, | \f00e
- : Searchengin | fab fa-searchengin | | \f3eb
- : Seedling | fas fa-seedling | flora, grow, plant, vegan, | \f4d8
- : Sellcast | fab fa-sellcast | eercast, | \f2da
- : Sellsy | fab fa-sellsy | | \f213
- : Server | fas fa-server | computer, cpu, database, hardware, network, | \f233
- : Servicestack | fab fa-servicestack | | \f3ec
- : Shapes | fas fa-shapes | blocks, build, circle, square, triangle, | \f61f
- : Share | fas fa-share | forward, save, send, social, | \f064
- : Alternate Share | fas fa-share-alt | forward, save, send, social, | \f1e0
- : Alternate Share Square | fas fa-share-alt-square | forward, save, send, social, | \f1e1
- : Share Square | fas fa-share-square | forward, save, send, social, | \f14d
- : Shekel Sign | fas fa-shekel-sign | currency, ils, money, | \f20b
- : Alternate Shield | fas fa-shield-alt | achievement, award, block, defend, security, winner, | \f3ed
- : Shield Virus | fas fa-shield-virus | antibodies, barrier, covid-19, health, protect, | \f96c
- : Ship | fas fa-ship | boat, sea, water, | \f21a
- : Shipping Fast | fas fa-shipping-fast | express, fedex, mail, overnight, package, ups, | \f48b
- : Shirts in Bulk | fab fa-shirtsinbulk | | \f214
- : Shoe Prints | fas fa-shoe-prints | feet, footprints, steps, walk, | \f54b
- : Shopify | fab fa-shopify | | \f957
- : Shopping Bag | fas fa-shopping-bag | buy, checkout, grocery, payment, purchase, | \f290
- : Shopping Basket | fas fa-shopping-basket | buy, checkout, grocery, payment, purchase, | \f291
- : shopping-cart | fas fa-shopping-cart | buy, checkout, grocery, payment, purchase, | \f07a
- : Shopware | fab fa-shopware | | \f5b5
- : Shower | fas fa-shower | bath, clean, faucet, water, | \f2cc
- : Shuttle Van | fas fa-shuttle-van | airport, machine, public-transportation, transportation, travel, vehicle, | \f5b6
- : Sign | fas fa-sign | directions, real estate, signage, wayfinding, | \f4d9
- : Alternate Sign In | fas fa-sign-in-alt | arrow, enter, join, log in, login, sign in, sign up, sign-in, signin, signup, | \f2f6
- : Sign Language | fas fa-sign-language | Translate, asl, deaf, hands, | \f2a7
- : Alternate Sign Out | fas fa-sign-out-alt | arrow, exit, leave, log out, logout, sign-out, | \f2f5
- : signal | fas fa-signal | bars, graph, online, reception, status, | \f012
- : Signature | fas fa-signature | John Hancock, cursive, name, writing, | \f5b7
- : SIM Card | fas fa-sim-card | hard drive, hardware, portable, storage, technology, tiny, | \f7c4
- : SimplyBuilt | fab fa-simplybuilt | | \f215
- : SISTRIX | fab fa-sistrix | | \f3ee
- : Sitemap | fas fa-sitemap | directory, hierarchy, ia, information architecture, organization, | \f0e8
- : Sith | fab fa-sith | | \f512
- : Skating | fas fa-skating | activity, figure skating, fitness, ice, person, winter, | \f7c5
- : Sketch | fab fa-sketch | app, design, interface, | \f7c6
- : Skiing | fas fa-skiing | activity, downhill, fast, fitness, olympics, outdoors, person, seasonal, slalom, | \f7c9
- : Skiing Nordic | fas fa-skiing-nordic | activity, cross country, fitness, outdoors, person, seasonal, | \f7ca
- : Skull | fas fa-skull | bones, skeleton, x-ray, yorick, | \f54c
- : Skull & Crossbones | fas fa-skull-crossbones | Dungeons & Dragons, alert, bones, d&d, danger, dead, deadly, death, dnd, fantasy, halloween, holiday, jolly-roger, pirate, poison, skeleton, warning, | \f714
- : skyatlas | fab fa-skyatlas | | \f216
- : Skype | fab fa-skype | | \f17e
- : Slack Logo | fab fa-slack | anchor, hash, hashtag, | \f198
- : Slack Hashtag | fab fa-slack-hash | anchor, hash, hashtag, | \f3ef
- : Slash | fas fa-slash | cancel, close, mute, off, stop, x, | \f715
- : Sleigh | fas fa-sleigh | christmas, claus, fly, holiday, santa, sled, snow, xmas, | \f7cc
- : Horizontal Sliders | fas fa-sliders-h | adjust, settings, sliders, toggle, | \f1de
- : Slideshare | fab fa-slideshare | | \f1e7
- : Smiling Face | fas fa-smile | approve, emoticon, face, happy, rating, satisfied, | \f118
- : Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes | fas fa-smile-beam | emoticon, face, happy, positive, | \f5b8
- : Winking Face | fas fa-smile-wink | emoticon, face, happy, hint, joke, | \f4da
- : Smog | fas fa-smog | dragon, fog, haze, pollution, smoke, weather, | \f75f
- : Smoking | fas fa-smoking | cancer, cigarette, nicotine, smoking status, tobacco, | \f48d
- : Smoking Ban | fas fa-smoking-ban | ban, cancel, no smoking, non-smoking, | \f54d
- : SMS | fas fa-sms | chat, conversation, message, mobile, notification, phone, sms, texting, | \f7cd
- : Snapchat | fab fa-snapchat | | \f2ab
- : Snapchat Ghost | fab fa-snapchat-ghost | | \f2ac
- : Snapchat Square | fab fa-snapchat-square | | \f2ad
- : Snowboarding | fas fa-snowboarding | activity, fitness, olympics, outdoors, person, | \f7ce
- : Snowflake | fas fa-snowflake | precipitation, rain, winter, | \f2dc
- : Snowman | fas fa-snowman | decoration, frost, frosty, holiday, | \f7d0
- : Snowplow | fas fa-snowplow | clean up, cold, road, storm, winter, | \f7d2
- : Soap | fas fa-soap | bubbles, clean, covid-19, hygiene, wash, | \f96e
- : Socks | fas fa-socks | business socks, business time, clothing, feet, flight of the conchords, wednesday, | \f696
- : Solar Panel | fas fa-solar-panel | clean, eco-friendly, energy, green, sun, | \f5ba
- : Sort | fas fa-sort | filter, order, | \f0dc
- : Sort Alphabetical Down | fas fa-sort-alpha-down | alphabetical, arrange, filter, order, sort-alpha-asc, | \f15d
- : Alternate Sort Alphabetical Down | fas fa-sort-alpha-down-alt | alphabetical, arrange, filter, order, sort-alpha-asc, | \f881
- : Sort Alphabetical Up | fas fa-sort-alpha-up | alphabetical, arrange, filter, order, sort-alpha-desc, | \f15e
- : Alternate Sort Alphabetical Up | fas fa-sort-alpha-up-alt | alphabetical, arrange, filter, order, sort-alpha-desc, | \f882
- : Sort Amount Down | fas fa-sort-amount-down | arrange, filter, number, order, sort-amount-asc, | \f160
- : Alternate Sort Amount Down | fas fa-sort-amount-down-alt | arrange, filter, order, sort-amount-asc, | \f884
- : Sort Amount Up | fas fa-sort-amount-up | arrange, filter, order, sort-amount-desc, | \f161
- : Alternate Sort Amount Up | fas fa-sort-amount-up-alt | arrange, filter, order, sort-amount-desc, | \f885
- : Sort Down (Descending) | fas fa-sort-down | arrow, descending, filter, order, sort-desc, | \f0dd
- : Sort Numeric Down | fas fa-sort-numeric-down | arrange, filter, numbers, order, sort-numeric-asc, | \f162
- : Alternate Sort Numeric Down | fas fa-sort-numeric-down-alt | arrange, filter, numbers, order, sort-numeric-asc, | \f886
- : Sort Numeric Up | fas fa-sort-numeric-up | arrange, filter, numbers, order, sort-numeric-desc, | \f163
- : Alternate Sort Numeric Up | fas fa-sort-numeric-up-alt | arrange, filter, numbers, order, sort-numeric-desc, | \f887
- : Sort Up (Ascending) | fas fa-sort-up | arrow, ascending, filter, order, sort-asc, | \f0de
- : SoundCloud | fab fa-soundcloud | | \f1be
- : Sourcetree | fab fa-sourcetree | | \f7d3
- : Spa | fas fa-spa | flora, massage, mindfulness, plant, wellness, | \f5bb
- : Space Shuttle | fas fa-space-shuttle | astronaut, machine, nasa, rocket, space, transportation, | \f197
- : Speakap | fab fa-speakap | | \f3f3
- : Speaker Deck | fab fa-speaker-deck | | \f83c
- : Spell Check | fas fa-spell-check | dictionary, edit, editor, grammar, text, complete | \f891
- : Spider | fas fa-spider | arachnid, bug, charlotte, crawl, eight, halloween, | \f717
- : Spinner | fas fa-spinner | circle, loading, progress, | \f110
- : Splotch | fas fa-splotch | Ink, blob, blotch, glob, stain, | \f5bc
- : Spotify | fab fa-spotify | | \f1bc
- : Spray Can | fas fa-spray-can | Paint, aerosol, design, graffiti, tag, | \f5bd
- : Square | fas fa-square | block, box, shape, | \f0c8
- : Square Full | fas fa-square-full | block, box, shape, | \f45c
- : Alternate Square Root | fas fa-square-root-alt | arithmetic, calculus, division, math, | \f698
- : Squarespace | fab fa-squarespace | | \f5be
- : Stack Exchange | fab fa-stack-exchange | | \f18d
- : Stack Overflow | fab fa-stack-overflow | | \f16c
- : Stackpath | fab fa-stackpath | | \f842
- : Stamp | fas fa-stamp | art, certificate, imprint, rubber, seal, | \f5bf
- : Star | fas fa-star | achievement, award, favorite, important, night, rating, score, | \f005
- : Star and Crescent | fas fa-star-and-crescent | islam, muslim, religion, | \f699
- : star-half | fas fa-star-half | achievement, award, rating, score, star-half-empty, star-half-full, | \f089
- : Alternate Star Half | fas fa-star-half-alt | achievement, award, rating, score, star-half-empty, star-half-full, | \f5c0
- : Star of David | fas fa-star-of-david | jewish, judaism, religion, | \f69a
- : Star of Life | fas fa-star-of-life | doctor, emt, first aid, health, medical, | \f621
- : StayLinked | fab fa-staylinked | | \f3f5
- : Steam | fab fa-steam | | \f1b6
- : Steam Square | fab fa-steam-square | | \f1b7
- : Steam Symbol | fab fa-steam-symbol | | \f3f6
- : step-backward | fas fa-step-backward | beginning, first, previous, rewind, start, | \f048
- : step-forward | fas fa-step-forward | end, last, next, | \f051
- : Stethoscope | fas fa-stethoscope | covid-19, diagnosis, doctor, general practitioner, hospital, infirmary, medicine, office, outpatient, | \f0f1
- : Sticker Mule | fab fa-sticker-mule | | \f3f7
- : Sticky Note | fas fa-sticky-note | message, note, paper, reminder, sticker, | \f249
- : stop | fas fa-stop | block, box, square, | \f04d
- : Stop Circle | fas fa-stop-circle | block, box, circle, square, | \f28d
- : Stopwatch | fas fa-stopwatch | clock, reminder, time, | \f2f2
- : Stopwatch 20 | fas fa-stopwatch-20 | ABCs, countdown, covid-19, happy birthday, i will survive, reminder, seconds, time, timer, | \f96f
- : Store | fas fa-store | building, buy, purchase, shopping, | \f54e
- : Alternate Store | fas fa-store-alt | building, buy, purchase, shopping, | \f54f
- : Alternate Store Slash | fas fa-store-alt-slash | building, buy, closed, covid-19, purchase, shopping, | \f970
- : Store Slash | fas fa-store-slash | building, buy, closed, covid-19, purchase, shopping, | \f971
- : Strava | fab fa-strava | | \f428
- : Stream | fas fa-stream | flow, list, timeline, | \f550
- : Street View | fas fa-street-view | directions, location, map, navigation, | \f21d
- : Strikethrough | fas fa-strikethrough | cancel, edit, font, format, text, type, | \f0cc
- : Stripe | fab fa-stripe | | \f429
- : Stripe S | fab fa-stripe-s | | \f42a
- : Stroopwafel | fas fa-stroopwafel | caramel, cookie, dessert, sweets, waffle, | \f551
- : Studio Vinari | fab fa-studiovinari | | \f3f8
- : StumbleUpon Logo | fab fa-stumbleupon | | \f1a4
- : StumbleUpon Circle | fab fa-stumbleupon-circle | | \f1a3
- : subscript | fas fa-subscript | edit, font, format, text, type, | \f12c
- : Subway | fas fa-subway | machine, railway, train, transportation, vehicle, | \f239
- : Suitcase | fas fa-suitcase | baggage, luggage, move, suitcase, travel, trip, | \f0f2
- : Suitcase Rolling | fas fa-suitcase-rolling | baggage, luggage, move, suitcase, travel, trip, | \f5c1
- : Sun | fas fa-sun | brighten, contrast, day, lighter, sol, solar, star, weather, | \f185
- : Superpowers | fab fa-superpowers | | \f2dd
- : superscript | fas fa-superscript | edit, exponential, font, format, text, type, | \f12b
- : Supple | fab fa-supple | | \f3f9
- : Hushed Face | fas fa-surprise | emoticon, face, shocked, | \f5c2
- : Suse | fab fa-suse | linux, operating system, os, | \f7d6
- : Swatchbook | fas fa-swatchbook | Pantone, color, design, hue, palette, | \f5c3
- : Swift | fab fa-swift | | \f8e1
- : Swimmer | fas fa-swimmer | athlete, head, man, olympics, person, pool, water, | \f5c4
- : Swimming Pool | fas fa-swimming-pool | ladder, recreation, swim, water, | \f5c5
- : Symfony | fab fa-symfony | | \f83d
- : Synagogue | fas fa-synagogue | building, jewish, judaism, religion, star of david, temple, | \f69b
- : Sync | fas fa-sync | exchange, refresh, reload, rotate, swap, | \f021
- : Alternate Sync | fas fa-sync-alt | exchange, refresh, reload, rotate, swap, | \f2f1
- : Syringe | fas fa-syringe | covid-19, doctor, immunizations, medical, needle, | \f48e
- : table | fas fa-table | data, excel, spreadsheet, | \f0ce
- : Table Tennis | fas fa-table-tennis | ball, paddle, ping pong, | \f45d
- : tablet | fas fa-tablet | apple, device, ipad, kindle, screen, | \f10a
- : Alternate Tablet | fas fa-tablet-alt | apple, device, ipad, kindle, screen, | \f3fa
- : Tablets | fas fa-tablets | drugs, medicine, pills, prescription, | \f490
- : Alternate Tachometer | fas fa-tachometer-alt | dashboard, fast, odometer, speed, speedometer, | \f3fd
- : tag | fas fa-tag | discount, label, price, shopping, | \f02b
- : tags | fas fa-tags | discount, label, price, shopping, | \f02c
- : Tape | fas fa-tape | design, package, sticky, | \f4db
- : Tasks | fas fa-tasks | checklist, downloading, downloads, loading, progress, project management, settings, to do, | \f0ae
- : Taxi | fas fa-taxi | cab, cabbie, car, car service, lyft, machine, transportation, travel, uber, vehicle, | \f1ba
- : TeamSpeak | fab fa-teamspeak | | \f4f9
- : Teeth | fas fa-teeth | bite, dental, dentist, gums, mouth, smile, tooth, | \f62e
- : Teeth Open | fas fa-teeth-open | dental, dentist, gums bite, mouth, smile, tooth, | \f62f
- : Telegram | fab fa-telegram | | \f2c6
- : Telegram Plane | fab fa-telegram-plane | | \f3fe
- : High Temperature | fas fa-temperature-high | cook, covid-19, mercury, summer, thermometer, warm, | \f769
- : Low Temperature | fas fa-temperature-low | cold, cool, covid-19, mercury, thermometer, winter, | \f76b
- : Tencent Weibo | fab fa-tencent-weibo | | \f1d5
- : Tenge | fas fa-tenge | currency, kazakhstan, money, price, | \f7d7
- : Terminal | fas fa-terminal | code, command, console, development, prompt, | \f120
- : text-height | fas fa-text-height | edit, font, format, text, type, | \f034
- : Text Width | fas fa-text-width | edit, font, format, text, type, | \f035
- : th | fas fa-th | blocks, boxes, grid, squares, | \f00a
- : th-large | fas fa-th-large | blocks, boxes, grid, squares, | \f009
- : th-list | fas fa-th-list | checklist, completed, done, finished, ol, todo, ul, | \f00b
- : The Red Yeti | fab fa-the-red-yeti | | \f69d
- : Theater Masks | fas fa-theater-masks | comedy, perform, theatre, tragedy, | \f630
- : Themeco | fab fa-themeco | | \f5c6
- : ThemeIsle | fab fa-themeisle | | \f2b2
- : Thermometer | fas fa-thermometer | covid-19, mercury, status, temperature, | \f491
- : Thermometer Empty | fas fa-thermometer-empty | cold, mercury, status, temperature, | \f2cb
- : Thermometer Full | fas fa-thermometer-full | fever, hot, mercury, status, temperature, | \f2c7
- : Thermometer 1/2 Full | fas fa-thermometer-half | mercury, status, temperature, | \f2c9
- : Thermometer 1/4 Full | fas fa-thermometer-quarter | mercury, status, temperature, | \f2ca
- : Thermometer 3/4 Full | fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters | mercury, status, temperature, | \f2c8
- : Think Peaks | fab fa-think-peaks | | \f731
- : thumbs-down | fas fa-thumbs-down | disagree, disapprove, dislike, hand, social, thumbs-o-down, | \f165
- : thumbs-up | fas fa-thumbs-up | agree, approve, favorite, hand, like, ok, okay, social, success, thumbs-o-up, yes, you got it dude, | \f164
- : Thumbtack | fas fa-thumbtack | coordinates, location, marker, pin, thumb-tack, | \f08d
- : Alternate Ticket | fas fa-ticket-alt | movie, pass, support, ticket, | \f3ff
- : Times | fas fa-times | close, cross, error, exit, incorrect, notice, notification, notify, problem, wrong, x, multiply | \f00d
- : Times Circle | fas fa-times-circle | close, cross, exit, incorrect, notice, notification, notify, problem, wrong, x, multiply | \f057
- : tint | fas fa-tint | color, drop, droplet, raindrop, waterdrop, | \f043
- : Tint Slash | fas fa-tint-slash | color, drop, droplet, raindrop, waterdrop, | \f5c7
- : Tired Face | fas fa-tired | angry, emoticon, face, grumpy, upset, | \f5c8
- : Toggle Off | fas fa-toggle-off | switch, | \f204
- : Toggle On | fas fa-toggle-on | switch, | \f205
- : Toilet | fas fa-toilet | bathroom, flush, john, loo, pee, plumbing, poop, porcelain, potty, restroom, throne, washroom, waste, wc, | \f7d8
- : Toilet Paper | fas fa-toilet-paper | bathroom, covid-19, halloween, holiday, lavatory, prank, restroom, roll, | \f71e
- : Toilet Paper Slash | fas fa-toilet-paper-slash | bathroom, covid-19, halloween, holiday, lavatory, leaves, prank, restroom, roll, trouble, ut oh, | \f972
- : Toolbox | fas fa-toolbox | admin, container, fix, repair, settings, tools, | \f552
- : Tools | fas fa-tools | admin, fix, repair, screwdriver, settings, tools, wrench, | \f7d9
- : Tooth | fas fa-tooth | bicuspid, dental, dentist, molar, mouth, teeth, | \f5c9
- : Torah | fas fa-torah | book, jewish, judaism, religion, scroll, | \f6a0
- : Torii Gate | fas fa-torii-gate | building, shintoism, | \f6a1
- : Tractor | fas fa-tractor | agriculture, farm, vehicle, | \f722
- : Trade Federation | fab fa-trade-federation | | \f513
- : Trademark | fas fa-trademark | copyright, register, symbol, | \f25c
- : Traffic Light | fas fa-traffic-light | direction, road, signal, travel, | \f637
- : Trailer | fas fa-trailer | carry, haul, moving, travel, | \f941
- : Train | fas fa-train | bullet, commute, locomotive, railway, subway, | \f238
- : Tram | fas fa-tram | crossing, machine, mountains, seasonal, transportation, | \f7da
- : Transgender | fas fa-transgender | intersex, | \f224
- : Alternate Transgender | fas fa-transgender-alt | intersex, | \f225
- : Trash | fas fa-trash | delete, garbage, hide, remove, dustbin | \f1f8
- : Alternate Trash | fas fa-trash-alt | delete, garbage, hide, remove, trash-o, | \f2ed
- : Trash Restore | fas fa-trash-restore | back, control z, oops, undo, | \f829
- : Alternative Trash Restore | fas fa-trash-restore-alt | back, control z, oops, undo, | \f82a
- : Tree | fas fa-tree | bark, fall, flora, forest, nature, plant, seasonal, | \f1bb
- : Trello | fab fa-trello | atlassian, | \f181
- : TripAdvisor | fab fa-tripadvisor | | \f262
- : trophy | fas fa-trophy | achievement, award, cup, game, winner, | \f091
- : truck | fas fa-truck | cargo, delivery, shipping, vehicle, | \f0d1
- : Truck Loading | fas fa-truck-loading | box, cargo, delivery, inventory, moving, rental, vehicle, product | \f4de
- : Truck Monster | fas fa-truck-monster | offroad, vehicle, wheel, | \f63b
- : Truck Moving | fas fa-truck-moving | cargo, inventory, rental, vehicle, | \f4df
- : Truck Side | fas fa-truck-pickup | cargo, vehicle, | \f63c
- : T-Shirt | fas fa-tshirt | clothing, fashion, garment, shirt, | \f553
- : TTY | fas fa-tty | communication, deaf, telephone, teletypewriter, text, | \f1e4
- : Tumblr | fab fa-tumblr | | \f173
- : Tumblr Square | fab fa-tumblr-square | | \f174
- : Television | fas fa-tv | computer, display, monitor, television, | \f26c
- : Twitch | fab fa-twitch | | \f1e8
- : Twitter | fab fa-twitter | social network, tweet, | \f099
- : Twitter Square | fab fa-twitter-square | social network, tweet, | \f081
- : Typo3 | fab fa-typo3 | | \f42b
- : Uber | fab fa-uber | | \f402
- : Ubuntu | fab fa-ubuntu | linux, operating system, os, | \f7df
- : UIkit | fab fa-uikit | | \f403
- : Umbraco | fab fa-umbraco | | \f8e8
- : Umbrella | fas fa-umbrella | protection, rain, storm, wet, | \f0e9
- : Umbrella Beach | fas fa-umbrella-beach | protection, recreation, sand, shade, summer, sun, | \f5ca
- : Underline | fas fa-underline | edit, emphasis, format, text, writing, | \f0cd
- : Undo | fas fa-undo | back, control z, exchange, oops, return, rotate, swap, | \f0e2
- : Alternate Undo | fas fa-undo-alt | back, control z, exchange, oops, return, swap, | \f2ea
- : Uniregistry | fab fa-uniregistry | | \f404
- : Unity 3D | fab fa-unity | | \f949
- : Universal Access | fas fa-universal-access | accessibility, hearing, person, seeing, visual impairment, | \f29a
- : University | fas fa-university | bank, building, college, higher education - students, institution, | \f19c
- : unlink | fas fa-unlink | attachment, chain, chain-broken, remove, | \f127
- : unlock | fas fa-unlock | admin, lock, password, private, protect, | \f09c
- : Alternate Unlock | fas fa-unlock-alt | admin, lock, password, private, protect, | \f13e
- : Untappd | fab fa-untappd | | \f405
- : Upload | fas fa-upload | hard drive, import, publish, | \f093
- : UPS | fab fa-ups | United Parcel Service, package, shipping, | \f7e0
- : USB | fab fa-usb | | \f287
- : User | fas fa-user | account, avatar, head, human, man, person, profile, | \f007
- : Alternate User | fas fa-user-alt | account, avatar, head, human, man, person, profile, | \f406
- : Alternate User Slash | fas fa-user-alt-slash | account, avatar, head, human, man, person, profile, | \f4fa
- : User Astronaut | fas fa-user-astronaut | avatar, clothing, cosmonaut, nasa, space, suit, | \f4fb
- : User Check | fas fa-user-check | accept, check, person, verified, complete | \f4fc
- : User Circle | fas fa-user-circle | account, avatar, head, human, man, person, profile, | \f2bd
- : User Clock | fas fa-user-clock | alert, person, remind, time, | \f4fd
- : User Cog | fas fa-user-cog | admin, cog, person, settings, | \f4fe
- : User Edit | fas fa-user-edit | edit, pen, pencil, person, update, write, | \f4ff
- : User Friends | fas fa-user-friends | group, people, person, team, users, | \f500
- : User Graduate | fas fa-user-graduate | cap, clothing, commencement, gown, graduation, person, student, | \f501
- : User Injured | fas fa-user-injured | cast, injury, ouch, patient, person, sling, | \f728
- : User Lock | fas fa-user-lock | admin, lock, person, private, unlock, | \f502
- : Doctor | fas fa-user-md | covid-19, job, medical, nurse, occupation, physician, profile, surgeon, | \f0f0
- : User Minus | fas fa-user-minus | delete, negative, remove, | \f503
- : User Ninja | fas fa-user-ninja | assassin, avatar, dangerous, deadly, sneaky, | \f504
- : Nurse | fas fa-user-nurse | covid-19, doctor, midwife, practitioner, surgeon, | \f82f
- : User Plus | fas fa-user-plus | add, avatar, positive, sign up, signup, team, | \f234
- : User Secret | fas fa-user-secret | clothing, coat, hat, incognito, person, privacy, spy, whisper, | \f21b
- : User Shield | fas fa-user-shield | admin, person, private, protect, safe, | \f505
- : User Slash | fas fa-user-slash | ban, delete, remove, | \f506
- : User Tag | fas fa-user-tag | avatar, discount, label, person, role, special, | \f507
- : User Tie | fas fa-user-tie | avatar, business, clothing, formal, professional, suit, consulting | \f508
- : Remove User | fas fa-user-times | archive, delete, remove, x, | \f235
- : Users | fas fa-users | friends, group, people, persons, profiles, team, consulting | \f0c0
- : Users Cog | fas fa-users-cog | admin, cog, group, person, settings, team, | \f509
- : United States Postal Service | fab fa-usps | american, package, shipping, usa, | \f7e1
- : us-Sunnah Foundation | fab fa-ussunnah | | \f407
- : Utensil Spoon | fas fa-utensil-spoon | cutlery, dining, scoop, silverware, spoon, | \f2e5
- : Utensils | fas fa-utensils | cutlery, dining, dinner, eat, food, fork, knife, restaurant, | \f2e7
- : Vaadin | fab fa-vaadin | | \f408
- : Vector Square | fas fa-vector-square | anchors, lines, object, render, shape, | \f5cb
- : Venus | fas fa-venus | female, | \f221
- : Venus Double | fas fa-venus-double | female, | \f226
- : Venus Mars | fas fa-venus-mars | Gender, | \f228
- : Viacoin | fab fa-viacoin | | \f237
- : Video | fab fa-viadeo | | \f2a9
- : Video Square | fab fa-viadeo-square | | \f2aa
- : Vial | fas fa-vial | experiment, lab, sample, science, test, test tube, | \f492
- : Vials | fas fa-vials | experiment, lab, sample, science, test, test tube, | \f493
- : Viber | fab fa-viber | | \f409
- : Video | fas fa-video | camera, film, movie, record, video-camera, | \f03d
- : Video Slash | fas fa-video-slash | add, create, film, new, positive, record, video, | \f4e2
- : Vihara | fas fa-vihara | buddhism, buddhist, building, monastery, | \f6a7
- : Vimeo | fab fa-vimeo | | \f40a
- : Vimeo Square | fab fa-vimeo-square | | \f194
- : Vimeo | fab fa-vimeo-v | vimeo, | \f27d
- : Vine | fab fa-vine | | \f1ca
- : Virus | fas fa-virus | bug, covid-19, flu, health, sick, viral, | \f974
- : Virus Slash | fas fa-virus-slash | bug, covid-19, cure, eliminate, flu, health, sick, viral, | \f975
- : Viruses | fas fa-viruses | bugs, covid-19, flu, health, multiply, sick, spread, viral, | \f976
- : VK | fab fa-vk | | \f189
- : VNV | fab fa-vnv | | \f40b
- : Voicemail | fas fa-voicemail | answer, inbox, message, phone, | \f897
- : Volleyball Ball | fas fa-volleyball-ball | beach, olympics, sport, | \f45f
- : Volume Down | fas fa-volume-down | audio, lower, music, quieter, sound, speaker, | \f027
- : Volume Mute | fas fa-volume-mute | audio, music, quiet, sound, speaker, | \f6a9
- : Volume Off | fas fa-volume-off | audio, ban, music, mute, quiet, silent, sound, | \f026
- : Volume Up | fas fa-volume-up | audio, higher, louder, music, sound, speaker, | \f028
- : Vote Yea | fas fa-vote-yea | accept, cast, election, politics, positive, yes, | \f772
- : Cardboard VR | fas fa-vr-cardboard | 3d, augment, google, reality, virtual, | \f729
- : Vue.js | fab fa-vuejs | | \f41f
- : Walking | fas fa-walking | exercise, health, pedometer, person, steps, | \f554
- : Wallet | fas fa-wallet | billfold, cash, currency, money, | \f555
- : Warehouse | fas fa-warehouse | building, capacity, garage, inventory, storage, | \f494
- : Water | fas fa-water | lake, liquid, ocean, sea, swim, wet, | \f773
- : Square Wave | fas fa-wave-square | frequency, pulse, signal, | \f83e
- : Waze | fab fa-waze | | \f83f
- : Weebly | fab fa-weebly | | \f5cc
- : Weibo | fab fa-weibo | | \f18a
- : Weight | fas fa-weight | health, measurement, scale, weight, | \f496
- : Hanging Weight | fas fa-weight-hanging | anvil, heavy, measurement, | \f5cd
- : Weixin (WeChat) | fab fa-weixin | | \f1d7
- : What's App | fab fa-whatsapp | | \f232
- : What's App Square | fab fa-whatsapp-square | | \f40c
- : Wheelchair | fas fa-wheelchair | accessible, handicap, person, | \f193
- : WHMCS | fab fa-whmcs | | \f40d
- : WiFi | fas fa-wifi | connection, hotspot, internet, network, wireless, | \f1eb
- : Wikipedia W | fab fa-wikipedia-w | | \f266
- : Wind | fas fa-wind | air, blow, breeze, fall, seasonal, weather, | \f72e
- : Window Close | fas fa-window-close | browser, cancel, computer, development, | \f410
- : Window Maximize | fas fa-window-maximize | browser, computer, development, expand, | \f2d0
- : Window Minimize | fas fa-window-minimize | browser, collapse, computer, development, | \f2d1
- : Window Restore | fas fa-window-restore | browser, computer, development, | \f2d2
- : Windows | fab fa-windows | microsoft, operating system, os, | \f17a
- : Wine Bottle | fas fa-wine-bottle | alcohol, beverage, cabernet, drink, glass, grapes, merlot, sauvignon, | \f72f
- : Wine Glass | fas fa-wine-glass | alcohol, beverage, cabernet, drink, grapes, merlot, sauvignon, | \f4e3
- : Alternate Wine Glas | fas fa-wine-glass-alt | alcohol, beverage, cabernet, drink, grapes, merlot, sauvignon, | \f5ce
- : Wix | fab fa-wix | | \f5cf
- : Wizards of the Coast | fab fa-wizards-of-the-coast | Dungeons & Dragons, d&d, dnd, fantasy, game, gaming, tabletop, | \f730
- : Wolf Pack Battalion | fab fa-wolf-pack-battalion | | \f514
- : Won Sign | fas fa-won-sign | currency, krw, money, | \f159
- : WordPress Logo | fab fa-wordpress | | \f19a
- : Wordpress Simple | fab fa-wordpress-simple | | \f411
- : WPBeginner | fab fa-wpbeginner | | \f297
- : WPExplorer | fab fa-wpexplorer | | \f2de
- : WPForms | fab fa-wpforms | | \f298
- : wpressr | fab fa-wpressr | rendact, | \f3e4
- : Wrench | fas fa-wrench | construction, fix, mechanic, plumbing, settings, spanner, tool, update, | \f0ad
- : X-Ray | fas fa-x-ray | health, medical, radiological images, radiology, skeleton, | \f497
- : Xbox | fab fa-xbox | | \f412
- : Xing | fab fa-xing | | \f168
- : Xing Square | fab fa-xing-square | | \f169
- : Y Combinator | fab fa-y-combinator | | \f23b
- : Yahoo Logo | fab fa-yahoo | | \f19e
- : Yammer | fab fa-yammer | | \f840
- : Yandex | fab fa-yandex | | \f413
- : Yandex International | fab fa-yandex-international | | \f414
- : Yarn | fab fa-yarn | | \f7e3
- : Yelp | fab fa-yelp | | \f1e9
- : Yen Sign | fas fa-yen-sign | currency, jpy, money, | \f157
- : Yin Yang | fas fa-yin-yang | daoism, opposites, taoism, | \f6ad
- : Yoast | fab fa-yoast | | \f2b1
- : YouTube | fab fa-youtube | film, video, youtube-play, youtube-square, | \f167
- : YouTube Square | fab fa-youtube-square | | \f431
- : Zhihu | fab fa-zhihu | | \f63f
Font Awesome free download for Word and other software
You can download for free the Font Awesome all icons list on their website, or use their CDN for your HTML5 icons list for web development.
However, if you want to use Font Awesome for Word or for your Excel presentations, you should download the Font Awesome package that matches your needs, and install it on your computer.
After that is done, you will be able to use the Font Awesome icons on any software that uses fonts, by selecting the Font Awesome font from the fonts selector.
See our full guide to install Font Awesome for Word and use it in any presentation or document on your computer, and create beautiful documents with Font Awesome icons included.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I find all Font Awesome icons list?
- Font Awesome is a complete library of scalable icons for your website. See below for a list of icons available for free. A more complete package with even more icons can be purchased from their official website.